50+ Messages / Page

  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
July 7, 2020 at 9:30 PM

There's still time to vote!

Polls close in a few hours. Your vote counts. Friend, We're down to the final hours of in-person voting.   I'm so proud to have launched this campaign. For a year, we've been connecting with our neighbors who all have one thing in common: they …
  Chris Swindell · [email protected]
July 7, 2020 at 4:01 PM

Polls close in 8 hours!

Cast your ballot soon! Friend, There are now 8 hours left until polling locations close. Have you casted your ballot yet?   If you did not get the chance to vote by mail, you have an opportunity to vote in person until 8:00PM tonight. Click her…
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
July 7, 2020 at 10:00 AM

Polls are now open!

Polls close at 8:00PM Friend, Rise and shine, NJ-9!   It's 6:00AM on Primary Day, and the polls are now officially open!   This is the day you, our neighbor and friend, decide the future of this district. When the coronavirus hit our district, …
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
July 6, 2020 at 8:30 PM

Our final fundraising ask.

We're proud of the movement we've built but we need your help to get across the finish line. Friend, Election day is TOMORROW. Until polls close, our campaign will not waste a moment reaching out to voters and organizing for victory. We’re pr…
  Ryan Adams · [email protected]
July 6, 2020 at 4:15 PM

Tomorrow is the big day

Do you have a plan to vote? Friend, Tomorrow is the big day.   Tomorrow, NJ-9 will have the chance to let the nation know progressive politics is here to stay. We have a leader in Zina, one who will actually fight for our district and ensure e…
  Chris Swindell · [email protected]
July 5, 2020 at 5:15 PM

Will you help us on Primary Day?

We need your help calling voters on Tuesday Friend, We need your help now more than ever.   Primary Day is THIS TUESDAY and we need you to commit to making calls to our neighbors and reminding them why Zina is the best choice for our district.…
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
July 4, 2020 at 3:32 PM

Happy Fourth of July! 🎇

I hope you are having a fun and safe holiday! Friend, Happy Fourth of July! I hope you are able to find time this holiday weekend to rest and enjoy this special holiday. This is usually one of the most festive holidays of the year with firewo…
  Kira Tsougarakis · [email protected]
July 3, 2020 at 4:02 PM

Our FINAL weekend before the election

Make an impact in our district before Tuesday Friend, This is the last push.   It's our FINAL weekend before Primary Day, and we need all hands on deck to ensure voters in NJ-9 know about Zina and why she's the best choice for our district.  …
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
July 1, 2020 at 4:17 PM

Make your plan to vote on Tuesday

We need to have a plan to win big on Tuesday Friend, The time to act is now—election day is exactly one week away. We’ve fought hard to get here, and now is our chance to finish our work and vote for the change we’ve been working for. Primary …
  Chris Swindell · [email protected]
June 30, 2020 at 4:32 PM

Support our campaign during our final days

We're so close to winning in just over a week, but need your support to make it happen. Friend, We’re heading into our last week before election day. To make sure Zina wins on July 7, the work ahead of this week couldn’t be more important. It’…
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
June 24, 2020 at 11:55 PM

Last night in New York...

We saw what was possible in NY - now let's make it happen in NJ. Friend, Last night in New York, some incredible candidates proved that our progressive fight is a movement not to be taken lightly.  My fellow Brand New Congress candidate Jamaal…
  Saloni Khushal · [email protected]
June 20, 2020 at 3:33 PM

Why I'm making calls for Zina's campaign ☎️

Phone banking is one of the most important ways you can support Zina ahead of her primary. Friend, Recently, I’ve been volunteering to make phone calls to support Zina’s campaign to be our next representative in Congress. Getting Zina elected…
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
June 16, 2020 at 5:00 PM

Three weeks from our election and three ways to help

We are exactly three weeks from our primary, and we need your help more than ever. Friend, We are now exactly three weeks away from election day.   As we approach the ultimate test of our campaign's strength, we need our supporters to stand wi…
  Aimee Resnick · [email protected]
June 10, 2020 at 4:18 PM

Make a difference for NJ-9 from home

You can support Zina today by applying for and casting your ballot by mail. Friend, I recently voted by mail for Zinovia "Zina" Spezakis. Zina earned my vote because, unlike Bill Pascrell, she is going to truly be the voice of the people in Wa…
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
June 9, 2020 at 7:00 PM

Can I count on your support?

The clock is ticking, and it's more important than ever for our campaign to stay on track. Friend, Election day is coming up, which means our campaign is working even harder to connect with voters across our district and organize for victory. …
  Jaden Fields · [email protected]
June 8, 2020 at 2:17 PM

Why I voted for Zina by mail

You can stand with Zina and have your voice hear by voting by mail today. Friend, Now more than ever, it’s important to have bold, progressive leadership. Rooting out systemic racism and recovering from COVID-19 are urgent priorities in our co…
  Kira Tsougarakis · [email protected]
June 4, 2020 at 7:51 PM

There's a way to help every day this week

Team Zina is hosting phone banking shifts every day for the rest of this week. Friend, There is just more than a month left before our primary. This year, we have a chance to bring new ideas and more energetic leadership to our district. Whil…
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
June 1, 2020 at 10:12 PM

Be proud.

Remember: Stonewall was an uprising. Friend, June is commemorated as LGBTQ+ Pride Month to honor the memory of the Stonewall Uprisings. These protests came from oppressing good people through an unjust system that disregarded their rights, the…
  Ryan Adams · [email protected]
May 31, 2020 at 4:15 PM

Your help today is critical

Today is one of our final fundraising deadlines, and we're just shy of our goal Friend, We need compassionate and bold representation in Congress to lead us through the challenges that lie ahead. The evidence is everywhere that sticking with t…
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
May 29, 2020 at 6:45 PM

Say their names.

Say their names until there is justice. Friend, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. Say their names. Say their names because their murders are tragedies that all of America should be mourning right now.  Say their names because th…
  Kira Tsougarakis · [email protected]
May 28, 2020 at 5:00 PM

Important ways to help this weekend

This weekend, take action to help elect Zina. Friend, Successful grassroots campaigns are built on volunteer power.   Progressive wins happen because of volunteers like you and your hard work. We are getting closer and closer to the election …
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
May 22, 2020 at 7:01 PM

Celebrating Memorial Day Weekend

This year, we must make sure to celebrate while maintaining social distancing. Friend, Happy Memorial Day weekend!   I join you in thanking the members of our community and citizens of our country who have served, and remembering those who we …
  Team Zina · [email protected]
May 21, 2020 at 4:16 PM

Volunteer opportunities with Team Zina

Help get Zina elected! Friend, Primary Day is soon approaching, and it's important we make this movement as strong as possible in order to help Zina bring true progressive change to New Jersey.   COVID-19 has completely shifted the way we enga…
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
May 19, 2020 at 4:21 PM

We have to act now to win a better future for our planet.

We need your help to make sure America gets a Green New Deal. Friend, The most important thing we can do to secure our future is to put up a strong fight against climate change.   I’m running for Congress to protect our planet’s future, and pa…
  Team Zina · [email protected]
May 15, 2020 at 6:57 PM

Join the caravan this weekend!

Join us on Saturday for a day of volunteering! Friend, Spreading the word about our races during the times of social distancing requires that we get creative about how we are reaching out to voters.   That's why TOMORROW from 2:00PM to 4:30PM,…
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
May 13, 2020 at 3:01 PM

Our campaign is gaining steam

Read about my campaign in Sholaland and join us for a volunteer event! Friend, Our country needs progressive leadership, part of the reason why so many first-time candidates are running to break the status quo this year. I’m so proud to be one…
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
May 1, 2020 at 5:57 PM

This May Day, we must fight for a better society

I'm ready to stand with workers in Congress. Friend, This is a May Day like no other. COVID-19 has had a profound impact on our workers, who day after day continue to risk their lives to provide us with daily necessities, despite the failures …
  Team Zina · [email protected]
April 30, 2020 at 5:02 PM

Zina is a different kind of leader.

Zina is ready to fight for all of us. Friend, In NJ-9, leadership committed to putting people first has never been a reality. Our current leadership has repeatedly shown that they don’t fight for us. They fight for big industries, lobbyists, a…
  Team Zina · [email protected]
April 28, 2020 at 5:02 PM

Be a part of Zina's birthday celebration! 🎉🥳

Friend, Today is a special day for Zina: It’s her 50th birthday!    This is an extremely special year. We have the chance this year to bring a new, progressive voice to Congress. Zina is making it her mission to fight for a Green New Deal and…
  Team Zina · [email protected]
April 13, 2020 at 7:51 PM

Make some calls, join Team Zina 📞

Join us for a phonebank! Friend, Things are finally official: New Jersey's primary was moved from June 2nd to July 7th.   That means we have five more weeks to tell our neighbors, friends, family, and fellow voters why we're fighting to send …
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
April 10, 2020 at 6:34 PM

Checking in with you during COVID-19.

I want to make sure you are doing well this week. Friend, We are living in unprecedented times. All of us are dealing with new and unusual experiences of a world in crisis.   We are also navigating new ways of celebrating holidays during times…
  Team Zina · [email protected]
April 7, 2020 at 12:55 AM

Phonebank this week with Team Zina!

Join us for a phonebank! Friend, In the coming months, we are going to be working to reach out to as many community members as possible to talk to them about our upcoming primary and make sure they are able to take the right steps in order to …
  Zina For Congress · [email protected]
April 2, 2020 at 12:26 AM

RE: Get counted! Complete the 2020 Census today!

A quick clarification on our last email... Hello Friend,   Today is NOT the last day to fill out the census.    April 1st is Census Day, a key reference date for the 2020 Census — not a deadline.  Census Day is used to determine who is counted and where…
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
April 1, 2020 at 9:41 PM

Get counted! Complete the 2020 Census today!

Today's the last day you can complete the Census Friend, There are two things you can do at this very moment that will help change the direction our country is headed: Social distancing and completing the 2020 Census.   The Census comes every …
  Team Zina · [email protected]
March 24, 2020 at 11:35 PM

Join us for a phone bank!

Friend, As this movement goes entirely digital, we need your help to make sure we keep the momentum going!    Team Zina volunteers are working around the clock from their homes to make sure residents across NJ-9 know about Zina's vision for o…
  Ryan Adams · [email protected]
March 20, 2020 at 5:26 PM

Phonebank this weekend with Team Zina

Friend, In order to help bring progressive values to NJ-9, we need your help! Sign up to make calls this weekend with Team Zina! It's the most important thing you can do to help the movement while staying home and remaining healthy.  …
  Kira Tsougarakis · [email protected]
March 17, 2020 at 4:02 PM

Phonebanking through a pandemic

Here's what you can do to help us win in NJ-9 Friend, This race was always going to require hard work. But, now with COVID-19, our campaign is facing an unprecedented challenge of reaching voters in the age of social distancing. This crisis al…
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
March 13, 2020 at 3:15 PM

The fight ahead of us.

Friend, This race is important because there is so much on the line. If we don’t win in June, then we won’t have the bold progressive leadership that this unprecedented era demands.   Winning won’t be easy-- we have a fight ahead of us. Our c…
  Kira Tsougarakis · [email protected]
March 10, 2020 at 11:15 PM

Canvass with Team Zina this week!

Canvassing is the bread and butter of successful campaigns. Friend,   The bread and butter of a successful grassroots campaign is canvassing. It’s one of the best ways we can meet voters and have real conversations about our district and why Zina is run…
  Chris Swindell · [email protected]
March 5, 2020 at 7:30 PM

What we need to do to win

Friend,   Building a grassroots movement  takes commitment, passion, and a willingness to get involved in the political process. Real change comes about when working people knock on doors, make phone calls, and bring new voters into our democracy.   Un…
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
February 29, 2020 at 7:46 PM

Today's our final day to fundraise.

Friend,   Today's our final day to fundraise for February. Help us keep the momentum going with a contribution before midnight tonight.   Our district deserves a leader who will fight climate change and who refuses to take a penny from coal lobbyists a…
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
February 26, 2020 at 10:15 PM

I stand with Bernie!

Together, this movement can change Washington. Friend,   Last night's Democratic debate made it very clear: Senator Bernie Sanders is the only candidate for President who has the progressive policies to better the lives of working families. I'm running …
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
February 22, 2020 at 4:15 PM

Fueling a movement to save our planet

Friend,   Last week, the continent known for its wildlife, glaciers, and piercing weather reached temperatures of 70 degrees.    You probably heard that from the news, your friends, and perhaps even other members of Congress. One person we did not hear…
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
February 11, 2020 at 5:30 PM

Join Me For A Pre-Canvassing Breakfast!

Friend,   This campaign is building a progressive movement to bring change to Washington and the people of NJ-9. We need working people across the district knocking on doors and getting involved in the political process.   If you want to be part of tha…
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
January 28, 2020 at 10:16 PM

Zina was endorsed by the Sunrise Movement!

Did you hear the news?  Our campaign just got endorsed by Sunrise Movement Montclair and Sunrise Movement Jersey Shore! Friend, this is big. We are building momentum and making our presence known in the district. SHARE THE BIG NEWS! …
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
January 23, 2020 at 2:15 PM

Super People, Not Super PACs

Friend,   One of the things I'm most proud of about our campaign is that it's people-powered. Like many establishment incumbents, Rep. Bill Pascrell's campaign is funded by special interests, corporations, and super PACs.   He has resigned his ability …
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
January 22, 2020 at 4:30 PM

Change can't wait

Friend,   I’m proud to be running in solidarity with a movement that is growing all over the country.    2020 is a year where progressives are rising up in every state and taking on the status quo. On the presidential level, Bernie Sanders is running o…
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
January 19, 2020 at 3:00 PM

Can we count on you?

Friend,   It’s no secret that campaigns are difficult. Beating a powerful incumbent takes determination, commitment, and hard work.    However, I’m confident that a people powered movement will bring progressive change and new leadership to this distri…
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
January 16, 2020 at 10:30 PM

Want to help us get on the ballot?

Friend,   A few days ago, petitions to get us on the ballot were released. In order to get on the ballot, our campaign needs to gather a minimum of 200 signatures—but we're going to gather hundreds more to show how strong our movement is.   Are you a r…
  Zina Spezakis · [email protected]
January 13, 2020 at 9:15 PM

Will we see you for the Bernie event?

Friend,   I'm sending this email to remind you about our organizing event for Bernie on Wednesday, January 15th! This will be a great opportunity to meet other like-minded Bernie supporters, and learn how we can all do our part in the political revolut…