50+ Messages / Page

  BREAKING (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
November 22, 2020 at 5:26 PM

New York Times just reported:

iVote   BREAKING: iVote launches MASSIVE campaign to flip Georgia blue and END McConnell's majority We just launched our biggest campaign in HISTORY to flip Georgia blue. Our most generous donors are MATCHING all gifts until midnight to get this massive undertaking off the ground. W…
  BARACK OBAMA ALERT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
November 20, 2020 at 5:18 PM

President Obama just admitted:

iVote   President Obama has broken his silence and called ALL of us to action. He DEMANDED we win the Georgia runoffs and END Mitch McConnell’s corrupt majority once and for all. Will you answer President Obama’s call and chip in $5 before midnight to win Georgia and flip the Senate?…
  James Carville · [email protected]
November 19, 2020 at 6:55 PM


iVote   DEMOCRATS NEED YOU! That’s why I emailed. That’s why Nancy Pelosi emailed. That’s why even PRESIDENT FREAKIN’ OBAMA broke his silence to tell you the stakes! FIRST: The latest polls announced we’re ONE point away from flipping Georgia blue. THEN: Mitch McConnell admitte…
  GEORGIA ALERT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
November 15, 2020 at 5:01 PM

Mitch McConnell just admitted:

iVote   MITCH MCCONNELL: REPUBLICANS COULD LOSE GEORGIA We can’t believe what McConnell just admitted! He knows this is our ONE shot to flip his Senate and defeat him for good. We urgently need 2,806 grassroots Democrats to pitch in before midnight to turn out a record-breaking numb…
  BARACK OBAMA ALERT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
November 12, 2020 at 7:43 PM

Barack Obama: "Georgia"

iVote   Did you see what just happened?! President Obama called ALL of us to action and DEMANDED we win the Georgia runoffs: And since he broke his silence, our Democrats SURGED in the polls! President Obama knows this is our LAST CHANCE to flip the Senate and SAVE Joe Biden…
  GEORGIA ALERT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
November 12, 2020 at 5:17 PM

devastating polls just released:

iVote   BREAKING: GEORGIA RUNOFFS NECK AND NECK This is our LAST chance. We can officially END McConnell’s majority — but only if we win BOTH these races. Will you rush in $5 before midnight to flip the Senate once and for all? >> We had to reach out as soon as we heard: TWO…
  James Carville · [email protected]
November 11, 2020 at 4:17 PM

Mitch McConnell SCREWED

iVote   EARTH TO YOU!!!!!! I’m mad as a hornet. For the first time EVER, Democrats have a chance to END McConnell's majority and WIN Georgia. So Donald Trump just orchestrated a massive high-dollar fundraiser to defeat us! I’m about to blow a fuse. Make no mistake: This is our dar…
  BARACK OBAMA ALERT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
November 9, 2020 at 7:43 PM

Barack Obama: "Georgia"

iVote   Did you see what just happened?! President Obama called ALL of us to action and DEMANDED we win the Georgia runoffs: And since he broke his silence, our Democrats SURGED in the polls! President Obama knows this is our LAST CHANCE to flip the Senate and SAVE Joe Biden…
  RECOUNT ALERT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
November 7, 2020 at 4:19 PM

EVERYTHING just changed

iVote   Things are changing by the minute, so we’ll be quick: Trump just launched 3 MASSIVE lawsuits to stop vote counting in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Georgia. Can you rush in $5 before midnight to defeat Trump’s lawsuits and save the presidency? We need 7,500 gifts before midnig…
  GEORGIA ALERT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
November 6, 2020 at 7:30 PM

devastating polls just released:

iVote   BREAKING: TWO GEORGIA SENATE RACES HEAD TO RUNOFFS This is our LAST chance. We can officially END McConnell’s majority — but only if we win BOTH these races. Will you rush in $5 before midnight to flip the Senate once and for all? >> We had to reach out as soon as we …
  SENATE RESULTS (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
November 5, 2020 at 7:59 PM

Fox News just reported:

iVote   BREAKING: Trump sues to stop vote count to keep his Republican Senate Majority! Rush in $5 before midnight to fund our emergency response to make sure EVERY vote is counted. We need 10,000 gifts immediately to stop Trump and McConnell from STEALING this election. >> T…
  BREAKING (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
November 4, 2020 at 11:10 PM

Donald Trump COLLAPSES

iVote   We’ve been up all night. FIRST: MSNBC said we’re ahead in 3 critical states THEN: Donald Trump still falsely claimed victory NOW: He’s swearing to throw the remaining ballots OUT in court We need to prepare for a very expensive legal battle -- and we need to do it NOW.…
  SENATE RESULTS (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
November 4, 2020 at 5:23 PM

Fox News just reported:

iVote   BREAKING: Trump sues to stop vote count to keep his Republican Senate Majority! Rush in $5 before midnight to fund our emergency response to make sure EVERY vote is counted. We need 10,000 gifts immediately to stop Trump and McConnell from STEALING this election. >> T…
  VOTING RIGHTS ALERT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
November 3, 2020 at 4:01 PM

time-sensitive information

iVote   BREAKING: HOURS-LONG LINES AT POLLING PLACES ACROSS THE COUNTRY iVote is committed to educating every single voter about their rights and ensuring our Democrats stay in line. Will you chip in $5 before midnight to make sure we get our message out? >> This is a once-i…
  VOTER SUPPRESSION ALERT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
November 2, 2020 at 8:01 PM

Donald Trump just threatened:

iVote   BREAKING: Trump campaign hires 50,000 poll watchers to intimidate Democrats at the polls. Rush in an emergency $5 before the polls close so we can PROTECT, EDUCATE, AND EMPOWER every single Democratic voter and make Trump’s plot BACKFIRE >> The situation is changing r…
  iVote Civic Education Fund · [email protected]
November 1, 2020 at 4:18 PM

48 hours left to stop barriers to voting in your zipcode

iVote Civic Education Fund       This is urgent. There’s less than 48 hours until Election Day, and the level of voter suppression across the country is astounding. -- Fake ballot boxes are being planted in California to fool voters -- The Supreme Court ruled against curbside …
  James Carville · [email protected]
November 1, 2020 at 4:17 PM

Donald Trump SCREWED

iVote   EARTH TO YOU!!!!!! I’m mad as a hornet. For the first time EVER, Democrats chipped away at McConnell’s lead in the polls. So Donald Trump just orchestrated a massive high-dollar fundraiser to rescue him! I’m about to blow a fuse. Make no mistake: This is our darn near O…
  James Carville · [email protected]
October 31, 2020 at 5:01 PM


iVote   DEMOCRATS NEED YOU! That’s why I emailed. That’s why Nancy Pelosi emailed. That’s why Paul Begala emailed. That’s why even PRESIDENT FREAKIN’ OBAMA broke his silence to tell you the stakes! FIRST: Mitch McConnell was TIED. THEN: News broke that he’s LOSING by ONE poin…
  EARLY VOTE UPDATE (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
October 30, 2020 at 3:14 PM

NBC just reported:

iVote   NBC: REPUBLICANS ERASE DEMOCRATS’ EARLY VOTE LEAD IN FINAL 96 HOURS. Can you rush in $5 to help iVote turn out EVERY Democratic straggler and make sure EVERY mail-in ballot is returned? We need $71,029 more before midnight. >> This is dire: NBC just reported that Repu…
  MCCONNELL URGENT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
October 29, 2020 at 4:03 PM

Kentucky early vote results:

iVote   BREAKING: Voting is officially UNDERWAY in Kentucky -- and McConnell is TRAILING by 1! We’ve never had a chance like this to DEFEAT Mitch McConnell and flip the Senate. Will you rush in $5 before our FINAL End of Month Deadline in 48 hours to make history with us? >> Thi…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
October 28, 2020 at 4:03 PM

Trump attack BACKFIRES

iVote   I’ve watched Trump and Mitch McConnell defile our democracy. I’ve watched them hurl horrific attacks at Democrats and all of us. I’ve watched their donors unload over $1 BILLION to buy this election and help them do it all over again. But now, I want to watch Trump and M…
  MSNBC ALERT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
October 27, 2020 at 4:18 PM

Rachel Maddow just said:

iVote   RACHEL MADDOW: “IF YOU WERE MITCH MCCONELL, YOU’RE NOT HAPPY WITH WHAT YOU’RE SEEING.” Rachel Maddow just admitted it. Mitch McConnell is plummeting in the polls and on the brink of losing his entire Senate. Will you chip in $5 before the 1 Week Deadline at midnight to make …
  MCCONNELL URGENT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
October 27, 2020 at 12:17 AM

McConnell vote BACKFIRES

iVote   We’re fuming. -- Mitch McConnell and his Senate just voted to CONFIRM Trump’s far-right Supreme Court nominee. -- And McConnell SKIPPED his final debate against Amy McGrath to do it. Look: Kentucky voters are hitting the polls, and Mitch McConnell is ONE point behind. W…
  MCCONNELL URGENT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
October 24, 2020 at 4:03 PM

Mitch McConnell just admitted:

iVote   We had to reach out as soon as we heard: Mitch McConnell just admitted he's TIED with just DAYS until the election. We’ve NEVER been this close to overtaking McConnell and flipping the Senate! But Republicans are pouring in $70 MILLION to rescue him.  Quickly, can you r…
  Nancy Pelosi · [email protected]
October 22, 2020 at 7:02 PM

Trump attack BACKFIRES

iVote   I’ve watched Trump and Mitch McConnell defile our democracy. I’ve watched them hurl horrific attacks at Democrats and all of us. I’ve watched their donors unload over $1 BILLION to buy this election and help them do it all over again. But now, I want to watch Trump and M…
  SENATE RESULTS (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
October 21, 2020 at 8:02 PM

Lindsey Graham just admitted:

iVote   LINDSEY GRAHAM: CONSERVATIVES COULD LOSE THE SENATE We only have 16 days left to DEFEAT Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell, FLIP the Senate blue, and SAVE the Supreme Court. Will you pitch in $5 before midnight to help us turn out every single voter we need to make their nig…
  MCCONNELL URGENT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
October 21, 2020 at 4:21 PM

Mitch McConnell COLLAPSES

iVote   EVERYTHING. JUST. CHANGED.   FIRST:A brand new poll showed Mitch McConnell TIED for the first time ever: THEN:McConnell’s Democratic opponent even OUTRAISED him for the first time! NOW:These final days are CRITICAL. We need an unprecedented surge of support to DEFEAT …
  SENATE UPDATE (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
October 20, 2020 at 4:17 PM

Ted Cruz just admitted:

iVote   Ted Cruz on possible election blowout: “It could be a bloodbath” Our jaws just DROPPED. Ted Cruz just admitted that Republicans are on track to LOSE the Senate in a HUMILIATING defeat! But we can only pull off this historic victory if every single Democrat votes. So we’re as…
  BREAKING (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
October 19, 2020 at 3:17 PM

New York Times just reported:

iVote   BREAKING: iVote pledges $10 MILLION to unseat Republicans who dare attack our voting rights We just launched the biggest voting rights campaign in HISTORY -- $10 MILLION to defeat every single Republican who has come for our voting rights. Our most generous donors are MATCHI…
  SENATE RESULTS (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
October 18, 2020 at 4:17 PM

Lindsey Graham just admitted:

iVote   LINDSEY GRAHAM: CONSERVATIVES COULD LOSE THE SENATE We only have 16 days left to DEFEAT Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell, FLIP the Senate blue, and SAVE the Supreme Court. Will you pitch in $5 before midnight to help us turn out every single voter we need to make their nig…
  SENATE ALERT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
October 17, 2020 at 4:18 PM

humiliating polls just released:

iVote   BREAKING: Just-released polls show Republicans LOSING SIX Senate seats -- including Mitch McConnell’s! Rush in $5 before midnight to flip the Senate! >> Did you see this?! First, a poll Mitch McConnell LOSING by 1 point. Now, his entire Senate is slipping away before o…
  JIMMY CARTER ANNOUNCEMENT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
October 16, 2020 at 7:40 PM

Jimmy Carter just revealed:

iVote   Two of our most beloved Democratic Presidents just PERSONALLY asked for your help. Will you answer Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama’s powerful calls with $5 before the End of Week Deadline at midnight? We need to raise another $6,700 before midnight to stay on pace, DEFEAT McCon…
  MCCONNELL ELECTION UPDATE (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
October 15, 2020 at 6:01 PM


iVoteKentucky Republicans just introduced dangerous voter suppression laws to protect McConnell and his Republican majority.   URGENT KENTUCKY SENATE UPDATE: The latest polls show Mitch McConnell down 1 point to Amy McGrath. But Kentucky Republicans just introduced dangerous voter su…
  MCCONNELL URGENT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
October 14, 2020 at 4:21 PM

Kentucky early vote results:

iVote   BREAKING: Voting is officially UNDERWAY in Kentucky -- and McConnell is TRAILING by 1! We’ve never had a chance like this to DEFEAT Mitch McConnell and flip the Senate. Will you rush in $5 before midnight to make history with us? >> This is the moment we’ve all been wait…
  MCCONNELL URGENT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
October 13, 2020 at 7:18 PM

time-sensitive information

iVote   We need you to know three critical things: 1. Voting in Kentucky is already underway. 2. The most recent polls show McConnell TRAILING by one point. 3. McConnell panicked and just raked in $13 million to crush Amy McGrath. We have just three weeks left to end McConnell’s …
  AMY MCGRATH ALERT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
October 8, 2020 at 4:18 PM

McConnell SCARED

iVote   BREAKING: Mitch McConnell REFUSES to debate Amy McGrath! We urgently need 10,000 gifts to make McConnell PAY for his cowardice, FORCE him to debate Amy, and END his career once and for all. Can we count on your $5 before midnight? >> This is urgent. Mitch McConnell just…
  SENATE URGENT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
October 7, 2020 at 4:18 PM

Mitch McConnell just said:

iVote   BREAKING: MITCH MCCONNELL VOWS “FULL STEAM AHEAD” AND SENDS HIS SENATORS ON A MASSIVE FUNDRAISING TOUR. Can you rush in $5 before midnight to OVERPOWER McConnell’s fundraising surge, FLIP the Senate, and SAVE the Supreme Court for generations? >> Here’s the latest. F…
  MCCONNELL URGENT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
October 4, 2020 at 8:18 PM

Kentucky early vote results:

iVote   BREAKING: Voting is officially UNDERWAY in Kentucky -- and McConnell is TRAILING by 1! We’ve never had a chance like this to DEFEAT Mitch McConnell and flip the Senate. Will you rush in $5 before midnight to make history with us? >> This is the moment we’ve all been wait…
  MSNBC ALERT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
October 3, 2020 at 3:02 PM

Rachel Maddow just said:

iVote   RACHEL MADDOW: “IF YOU WERE MITCH MCCONELL, YOU’RE NOT HAPPY WITH WHAT YOU’RE SEEING.” Rachel Maddow just admitted it. Mitch McConnell is plummeting in the polls and on the brink of losing his entire Senate. Will you chip in $5 before midnight to make that happen? >> …
  iVote Civic Education Fund · [email protected]
October 1, 2020 at 5:38 PM

barriers to voting in your zipcode

iVote Civic Education Fund       To be blunt: The entire 2020 election is dangerously at risk. -- The Postmaster General is openly sabotaging vote-by-mail. -- Politicians are demanding millions of mail-in ballots be thrown away. -- Political parties are hiring “poll watchers”…
  James Carville · [email protected]
September 30, 2020 at 5:08 PM


iVote   DEMOCRATS NEED YOU! That’s why I emailed. That’s why Nancy Pelosi emailed. That’s why Paul Begala emailed. That’s why even PRESIDENT FREAKIN’ OBAMA broke his silence to tell you the stakes! FIRST: Mitch McConnell was TIED. THEN: News broke that he’s LOSING by ONE poin…
  SUPREME COURT VOTE (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
September 29, 2020 at 8:19 PM

Mitch McConnell

iVote   We need your immediate attention. We just learned that Democrats are only TWO VOTES away from blocking Trump’s radical Supreme Court nominee! We have two options. - We can let Mitch McConnell and his Republican allies force through a far-right judge who will END the Affor…
  MCCONNELL POLL (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
September 28, 2020 at 3:04 PM

Mitch McConnell COLLAPSES

iVote   BREAKING: POLL SHOWS MCCONNELL LOSING SEAT FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER   Rush in $5 before the final End of Quarter Deadline in 48 hours to end McConnell’s career! >>   A breaking poll just showed McConnell LOSING. HIS. SEAT.   For the first time EVER, Democrats fi…
  NEW YORK TIMES REPORT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
September 27, 2020 at 9:51 PM

EVERYTHING hinges on this:

iVote   NEW YORK TIMES REPORT: "THE WHITE HOUSE, SENATE, AND SUPREME COURT COULD ALL HINGE ON NORTH CAROLINA." We need all hands on deck to flip North Carolina, and the country with it. Will you rush in $5 before the final End of Quarter deadline in 72 hours to win North Carolina and…
  MCCONNELL URGENT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
September 26, 2020 at 4:19 PM

deeply concerning poll just released:

iVote   BREAKING: Amy McGrath LEADS IN THE POLLS against Mitch McConnell!   We can’t let this moment pass us by. Will you rush in $5 before midnight to defeat Mitch McConnell and finally flip the Senate? >>   Amy McGrath is now officially the Democratic nominee to take on M…
  SENATE ALERT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
September 25, 2020 at 4:28 PM

shocking polls just released

iVote   We’re so excited we can barely type! Brand-new polls have Democrats winning enough seats to FLIP the Senate -- by a wider margin than EVER before! Will you rush in $5 before midnight to give Democrats the boost we need to ELIMINATE Mitch McConnell’s majority? >> Here’s…
  JIMMY CARTER ANNOUNCEMENT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
September 23, 2020 at 5:52 PM

Jimmy Carter just revealed:

iVote   Two of our most beloved Democratic Presidents just PERSONALLY asked for your help. Will you answer Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama’s powerful calls with $5 before midnight? We need to raise another $6,700 before midnight to stay on pace, DEFEAT McConnell, and flip the Senate on…
  MCCONNELL URGENT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
September 22, 2020 at 7:56 PM

about Mitch McConnell:

iVote   We’re in absolute disbelief. Mitch McConnell just revealed he amassed $148 MILLION to protect himself and his Senate majority -- and ensure Ruth Bader Ginsburg is replaced by a right-wing radical. We’re launching an EMERGENCY MATCH to outraise him -- but we can only keep …
  MCCONNELL MELTDOWN (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
September 22, 2020 at 4:18 PM

Nate Silver just declared:

iVote   NATE SILVER: “I THINK MCGRATH HAS A SHOT” Nate Silver is right. We have ONE shot to end Mitch McConnell’s career and defeat his ENTIRE Senate Majority. Will you chip in $5 before midnight to turn out a record-breaking number of voters and flip the Senate once and for all? &g…
  MCCONNELL URGENT (via iVote HQ) · [email protected]
September 21, 2020 at 10:39 PM

about Mitch McConnell:

iVote   We’re in absolute disbelief. Mitch McConnell just revealed he amassed $148 MILLION to protect himself and his Senate majority -- and ensure Ruth Bader Ginsburg is replaced by a right-wing radical. We’re launching an EMERGENCY MATCH to outraise him -- but we can only keep …