50+ Messages / Page

  Debbie Wasserman Schultz · [email protected]
August 11, 2020 at 10:13 PM

women's rights are under attack

Email Update Last month, the Supreme Court dealt a terrible blow to women by striking down the Affordable Care Act’s requirement to cover contraceptive care. Because of this ruling, companies and universities will now be able to deny contraceptive coverage based on “moral” or religious object…
  Last Chance · [email protected]
August 11, 2020 at 7:37 PM

have you weighed in?

DWS PAC VOTE NOW: Who is your pick for vice president? Joe Biden is going to announce his vice presidential pick soon. That means we need your input ASAP. The election to defeat Donald Trump is one of the most important of our lifetimes. Who would be your ideal pick to take on Donald …
  Voting Rights Act · [email protected]
August 11, 2020 at 1:42 PM

we can honor John Lewis' legacy by doing this:

DWS PAC You are receiving this email from Democrats Win Seats PAC because you’ve previously expressed interest in our efforts. If you’d rather not get all of our updates, you can click here for only the most important emails, or you can click here to unsubscribe. Discriminatory laws and ba…
  Take Action · [email protected]
August 10, 2020 at 5:53 PM

Restore the Voting Rights Act for John Lewis

DWS PAC You are receiving this email from Democrats Win Seats PAC because you’ve previously expressed interest in our efforts. If you’d rather not get all of our updates, you can click here for only the most important emails, or you can click here to unsubscribe. Sign On: Demand Congres…
  Update · [email protected]
August 7, 2020 at 9:13 PM


DWS PACWe thought Nancy Pelosi's call to action would have sent our membership skyrocketing Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Nancy Pelosi are counting on you to step up and help our candidates in the most competitive races up and down the ballot. Here’s what we’ve got on record for you, John:…
  Nate Silver Update · [email protected]
August 7, 2020 at 3:30 PM

Nate Silver predicts a blue wave?

DWS PACNate Silver has a prediction Here are the facts: The only way we’ll have another blue wave is if we make sure that Democrats in competitive races have the resources they need to get their message out. BUT WE ALSO KNOW: The GOP will not back down. Campaigns are making huge d…
  Team DWS · [email protected]
August 7, 2020 at 3:03 PM

standing up to Trump's dirty tricks

Email Update Did you see Debbie’s message? With Republicans scaling up their voter suppression efforts, we have to stop them from stealing the election. That’s why it’s so important that we expand Debbie’s Flip Florida Fund so we can increase our digital organizing in order to drive up Democr…
  Obama Alert · [email protected]
August 6, 2020 at 8:41 PM

Can you answer Obama's call to action?

DWS PACwill you answer Barack's call to action? Let’s go! This is the biggest election of our lifetimes and with less than 100 days left until Election Day, we need your help! Will you be one of the 1,000 supporters we need to activate their membership right away? Activate yours now →  …
  VP Poll · [email protected]
August 6, 2020 at 1:20 PM


DWS PAC VOTE NOW: Who is your pick for vice president? Joe Biden is going to announce his vice presidential pick any day now. That means we need your input ASAP. The election to defeat Donald Trump is one of the most important of our lifetimes. Who would be your ideal pick to take on …
  Women’s Health Update · [email protected]
August 5, 2020 at 2:56 PM

the newest SCOTUS case

DWS PAC You are receiving this email from Democrats Win Seats PAC because you’ve previously expressed interest in our efforts. If you’d rather not get all of our updates, you can click here for only the most important emails, or you can click here to unsubscribe. With the newest Supreme Co…
  Team DWS · [email protected]
August 5, 2020 at 2:51 PM

we need to act NOW on climate

Email Update The climate crisis is getting worse, and is already severely impacting this nation’s most oppressed communities.Click here to sign on in support of the House Democratic plan to fight the climate crisis, and read Debbie’s message below for more details.----Begin Forwarded Message-…
  Debbie Wasserman Schultz · [email protected]
August 4, 2020 at 7:23 PM

demanding concrete steps to address the climate crisis

Email Update With record-breaking temperatures in the Arctic Circle, it’s clearer than ever that the climate crisis poses an existential threat to the wellbeing of every human being on earth. That’s why I’m proud to support a new House Democratic plan that calls for a significant expansion of…
  SCOTUS UPDATE · [email protected]
August 4, 2020 at 7:13 PM

everyone should have access to birth control

DWS PAC You are receiving this email from Democrats Win Seats PAC because you’ve previously expressed interest in our efforts. If you’d rather not get all of our updates, you can click here for only the most important emails, or you can click here to unsubscribe. SIGN ON NOW: The Suprem…
  Action Alert · [email protected]
August 3, 2020 at 3:01 PM

Joe Biden is making this decision soon

DWS PAC ALERT: Joe Biden is inching closer to announcing his vice presidential pick. Before he does, we want to know: Which potential vice presidential nominee do you think has the best chance of helping Joe beat Donald Trump and Mike Pence? This poll was made for [email protected]. …
  Debbie's iPad · [email protected]
July 31, 2020 at 10:38 PM

Winning in Florida means ending Trump's presidency

Email Update Hey, Winning in Florida means ending Trump’s presidency, which means the whole country is counting on us.That’s why we must close our $1,148 budget gap before the end-of-month deadline at midnight. Pitch in here! With Republicans spending huge amounts to try to bail out Trump’s c…
  Final Notice · [email protected]
July 31, 2020 at 10:12 PM

automatic update for [email protected]

DWS PACthe clock is ticking You are receiving this email from Democrats Win Seats PAC because you’ve previously expressed interest in our efforts. If you’d rather not get all of our updates, you can click here for only the most important emails, or you can click here to unsubscribe. We’…
  Update · [email protected]
July 31, 2020 at 7:10 PM

Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Nancy Pelosi

DWS PACWe thought Nancy Pelosi's call to action would have sent our membership skyrocketing Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Nancy Pelosi are counting on you to step up and help our candidates in the most competitive races up and down the ballot. Here’s what we’ve got on record for you, John:…
  DWS Action Team · [email protected]
July 31, 2020 at 6:16 PM

Debbie asked for an update

Email Update Winning Florida means beating Trump and saving lives. That’s why closing our $2,924 budget gap before tonight’s end-of-month deadline is so important. Your support will be used to expand our groundbreaking organizing work that Debbie’s Flip Florida Fund is doing to drive up Democ…
  Debbie Wasserman Schultz · [email protected]
July 31, 2020 at 1:54 PM

win Florida, win the election →

Email Update According to The Hill, winning Florida would make Trump’s “path to reelection vanishingly narrow.” That’s why the work our Flip Florida Fund is doing to expand Democratic turnout and offset Republican voter suppression tactics is so important.Can I count on you to help me fini…
  Obama Alert · [email protected]
July 31, 2020 at 1:00 PM

Barack Obama's message

DWS PACwill you answer Barack's call to action? We aren’t sitting on the sidelines, John. Now is the time for action, but we need your help so Democrats can keep working for progress! Answer President Obama’s call to action with a donation today → If you've saved your payment informatio…
  Flip Florida Fund Alert · [email protected]
July 30, 2020 at 11:10 PM

Florida is at the center of it all

Email Update Hi, Joe Biden is surging in Florida, and if he wins here, Trump has almost no chance of getting re-elected. With less than 100 days until the election, it’s critical for Debbie’s Flip Florida Fund to expand Democratic turnout and fight Republican voter suppression.Click here to h…
  Obama Alert · [email protected]
July 30, 2020 at 10:12 PM

Obama has a message for John

DWS PACwill you answer Barack's call to action? Let’s go! This is the biggest election of our lifetimes and with less 100 days left until Election Day, we need your help! Will you be one of the 1,000 supporters we need to activate their membership right away? Activate yours now →  If yo…
  Debbie Wasserman Schultz · [email protected]
July 30, 2020 at 5:20 PM

winning in Florida means the END of Trump

Email Update According to The Hill, winning Florida would make Trump’s “path to reelection vanishingly narrow.” That’s why the work our Flip Florida Fund is doing to expand Democratic turnout and offset Republican voter suppression tactics is so important.Can I count on you to help me fini…
  Pelosi Alert · [email protected]
July 30, 2020 at 1:58 PM

are you standing with Pelosi?

DWS PACWe thought Nancy Pelosi's call to action would have sent our membership skyrocketing Speaker Pelosi is counting on you, John, to help her defend our majority. The GOP has reserved MILLIONS in TV spots in competitive races this fall. We’ve got to fight back. We can take back the…
  Flip Florida Fund via Team DWS · [email protected]
July 29, 2020 at 11:08 PM


Email Update First, the bad news: COVID-19 is surging in Florida, and Donald Trump is spending more time launching baseless attacks against Joe Biden than taking action to protect Floridians.But here's the GOOD NEWS: Joe Biden is leading and with Debbie’s Flip Florida Fund, we can finish the …
  Nate Silver Update · [email protected]
July 29, 2020 at 1:23 PM

Nate Silver prediction

DWS PACNate Silver has a prediction Here are the facts: The only way we’ll have another blue wave is if we make sure that Democrats in competitive races have the resources they need to get their message out. BUT WE ALSO KNOW: The GOP will not back down. Campaigns are making huge d…
  Team DWS · [email protected]
July 29, 2020 at 12:19 AM

the stakes are so high →

Email Update Trump’s tragic mismanagement of COVID-19 has exposed just how high the stakes are in this election. With less than 100 days until Election Day, we need to go all out to help Joe Biden and finish Trump once and for all by winning Florida.Pitch in here to support Debbie’s Flip Flor…
  Debbie Wasserman Schultz · [email protected]
July 28, 2020 at 8:31 PM

if we beat Trump here, he's finished

Email Update We’re now less than 100 days until the election, and Joe Biden continues to lead in Florida — a state that Trump must win if he has any hope of being re-elected. Over the last few months, I’ve been working to build my Flip Florida Fund, so we can do the critical organizing nec…
  Democrats Win Seats · [email protected]
July 28, 2020 at 2:08 PM

Should we be worried?

DWS PACThe GOP is activating This should freak you out, John: We’re in an all-out battle to win in November. With the GOP doubling down on getting their supporters to the polls, we’ve got to rush resources to our competitive races now. That’s why we need your buy-in right away. Will …
  GOP Alert · [email protected]
July 27, 2020 at 6:36 PM

1,500 new field staffers for Trump?

DWS PACThe GOP is activating Our candidates need resources ASAP. With more GOP staffers on the ground than ever before, we have to get money to competitive races quickly. Will you activate your membership right now? If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your don…
  Obama Alert · [email protected]
July 26, 2020 at 9:44 PM

Obama's message to John

DWS PACwill you answer Barack's call to action? Let’s go! This is the biggest election of our lifetimes and with 100 days left until Election Day, we need your help! Will you be one of the 1,000 supporters we need to activate their membership right away? Activate yours now →  If you've …
  Activation Alert · [email protected]
July 26, 2020 at 3:49 PM

100 days

DWS PACthe clock is ticking You are receiving this email from Democrats Win Seats PAC because you’ve previously expressed interest in our efforts. If you’d rather not get all of our updates, you can click here for only the most important emails, or you can click here to unsubscribe. ALE…
  Debbie Wasserman Schultz · [email protected]
July 26, 2020 at 3:39 PM

win Florida, Bye Bye Trump

Email Update "Fox News Poll: Biden leads in Florida as Trump lags among seniors" Even FOX NEWS can’t HIDE THE TRUTH any longer: Our work is paying off, and Trump is losing in Florida. If we win Florida, Trump is finished. There will be no path to victory for him. So please donate now to he…
  Take Action · [email protected]
July 24, 2020 at 8:09 PM

now is the time for aggressive action on climate change

DWS PAC You are receiving this email from Democrats Win Seats PAC because you’ve previously expressed interest in our efforts. If you’d rather not get all of our updates, you can click here for only the most important emails, or you can click here to unsubscribe. ACT NOW: We must demand…
  Team DWS · [email protected]
July 24, 2020 at 7:25 PM

Flipping Florida and saving our country

Email Update Joe Biden’s poll numbers are surging with every demographic in Florida, and Debbie’s work to flip Florida has been critical to laying the groundwork for his success.Rush a donation here to help Debbie expand our organizing in Florida, and read her message below for more informati…
  Debbie Wasserman Schultz · [email protected]
July 23, 2020 at 10:06 PM

we desperately need a competent president

Email Update According to the Tampa Bay Times, “crises have diminished Trump's standing with nearly every demographic.”If we win Florida, we beat Trump and win the election. With COVID-19 cases rising in Florida, it’s clearer than ever that we desperately need a competent president. That’s…
  Team DWS · [email protected]
July 22, 2020 at 6:14 PM

save the USPS!

Email Update The United States Postal Service employs 600,000 people, delivers life saving medication, and is the federal government’s most popular agency — with a 90% approval rating! However, none of that is stopping Republicans from trying to destroy it. They would love nothing more than t…
  Debbie Wasserman Schultz · [email protected]
July 21, 2020 at 5:30 PM

lifesaving medications are delivered by the postal service

Email Update Countless Americans rely on the United States Postal Service as a way to get needed medicine. In fact, according to reports, it delivers 1 million life saving medications each year — often to rural areas where commercial carriers won’t go. In the middle of a deadly pandemic, the …
  DWS Alert · [email protected]
July 16, 2020 at 10:19 PM

Biden is winning in Florida

Email Update A recent Fox News poll has Joe Biden up 9 points in Florida! You read that right: Fox News!Donate here to help our Flip Florida Fund keep up the momentum. If we win Florida, we’ll beat Trump!----Begin Forwarded Message---- "Fox News Poll: Biden leads in Florida as Trump lags amon…
  Debbie Wasserman Schultz · [email protected]
July 15, 2020 at 8:15 PM

Trump is down 9 points in Florida!

Email Update "Fox News Poll: Biden leads in Florida as Trump lags among seniors" Even FOX NEWS can’t HIDE THE TRUTH any longer: Our work is paying off, and Trump is losing in Florida. If we win Florida, Trump is finished. There will be no path to victory for him. So please donate now to he…
  SURVEY ALERT via Team DWS · [email protected]
July 10, 2020 at 3:35 PM

official Flip Florida Strategy Survey

Email Update Did you see Debbie’s note? If we help Joe Biden win Florida, Trump is FINISHED. That’s why we’re reaching out to top Democrats like you to get your opinion on the best strategy to make sure we flip Florida and beat Trump.Click here to take our official Flip Florida Strategy Surve…
  Debbie Wasserman Schultz · [email protected]
July 9, 2020 at 5:46 PM

Biden vs. Trump strategy survey

Email Update If we win Florida, we beat Trump. That’s why we need your help. We’ve selected you to take our official Biden vs. Trump Flip Florida Strategy Survey. Click here to share your opinion →   Take our official survey Biden is SURGING in Florida, but we can’t afford to let up for …
  Team DWS · [email protected]
July 6, 2020 at 3:52 PM

Sun Sentinel endorses Debbie!

Email Update Hi, We’re thrilled to report that the South Florida Sun Sentinel has endorsed Debbie in her campaign for re-election! The endorsement praises her efforts to enact the Affordable Care Act, establish public financing of elections, protect the Everglades, and much, much more. We’…
  Debbie Wasserman Schultz · [email protected]
July 2, 2020 at 3:05 PM

wishing you a Happy Fourth

Email Update Hi, I’m reaching out to thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping us reach our critical Flip Florida Fund FEC deadline goal! Your donations go directly toward helping flip Florida and taking back our country, and I can’t think of a better way to celebrate as we approach t…
  Debbie's iPad · [email protected]
June 30, 2020 at 11:05 PM

winning Florida matters more than ever

Email Update Hey, Our FEC deadline is tonight at midnight, and hitting our goal could be the difference between winning and losing Florida.Here's why: Your donation will go directly to investing in our grassroots campaign to drive up Democratic turnout. Trump knows he has to win Florida to ke…
  DWS Finance Team · [email protected]
June 30, 2020 at 5:52 PM

help us give Debbie good news

Email Update Florida is the game changer in 2020...so we must raise the $2,154 we need to close our budget gap before the public FEC filing deadline at midnight.Rush a donation here before tonight's deadline to make sure we can give Debbie some good news: https://secure.debbiewassermanschultz…
  Team DWS · [email protected]
June 30, 2020 at 2:32 PM

what we do in Florida this year will reverberate for decades

Email Update "Biden's Lead Grows in Michigan and Florida, States Where Trump Narrowly Won in 2016, New Poll Shows" - Newsweek Joe Biden is surging in Florida. And if he wins in Florida, Trump's presidency is finished. That's why the work our Flip Florida Fund is doing to raise Democratic tu…
  Debbie (personal inbox) · [email protected]
June 29, 2020 at 10:53 PM

we're doubling down on beating Trump

Email Update Joe Biden is surging in Florida, and it's driving Trump's campaign crazy because they know that losing Florida means the end of his presidency. That's why we’re doubling down on the work our Flip Florida Fund is doing to drive up Democratic turnout and to ensure Joe Biden wins Fl…
  Team DWS · [email protected]
June 29, 2020 at 6:52 PM

we can deliver the knockout blow to Trump's presidency

Email Update "Biden's Lead Grows in Michigan and Florida, States Where Trump Narrowly Won in 2016, New Poll Shows" - Newsweek Joe Biden is surging in Florida. And if he wins in Florida, Trump's presidency is finished. That's why the work our Flip Florida Fund is doing to raise Democratic tu…
  Debbie Wasserman Schultz · [email protected]
June 29, 2020 at 2:16 PM

the national spotlight is on Florida

Email Update "Trump knows how important Florida is to his reelection prospects" - The Hill I started the Flip Florida Fund because I knew that beating Trump would come down to winning Florida. According to The Hill, Trump knows it too. We’re investing heavily to make sure every voter turns …