50+ Messages / Page

  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
October 15, 2019 at 10:17 PM

A few things you should know (read this)

  We’re writing to ask you to make a $10 contribution to support our work to flip the Senate next year. Every donation matters, so can you chip in before tonight’s deadline? Thanks in advance. Contribute Here are a few things you should know before donating, John:   We’…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
October 15, 2019 at 6:36 PM

HUGE NEWS: Amy McGrath just outraised Mitch McConnell

  John — In just a moment, we’re going to ask you to make a contribution to support our ongoing work to take on Mitch McConnell and flip the Senate in 2020. Will you let us explain why this ask is so important? Democrats only need to pick up four seats next year to win back the Senat…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
October 13, 2019 at 4:59 PM

It doesn’t get more important than this

  Good news first, John — Democrats like Mark Kelly and Amy McGrath are reporting incredible fundraising numbers to the FEC that prove we have a real chance to flip Senate seats in Arizona, Kentucky, and other critical states. But… there’s bad news: We’re still being massively outs…
  Fire Mitch McConnell · [email protected]
October 12, 2019 at 5:22 PM


  Just the facts, John — FACT: Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans have made it virtually impossible to get anything done in Washington. From voting rights to health care and the environment — they’re not doing anything! FACT: Ours is the leading independent organization working …
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
October 11, 2019 at 12:34 AM

Susan Collins

  John, Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court by a single vote last year. Susan Collins was that vote. She put him on the Supreme Court and sold out millions of women in the process. And this week, Collins was caught fundraising from Republican mega-donors off of her deci…
  Flip The Senate · [email protected]
October 8, 2019 at 7:13 PM

John, you didn't fill out our survey yet

  John — we noticed you didn't fill out our survey yet. Our team is trying to build out a winning strategy to take back the Senate in 2020. In order to do that, we need to know your thoughts and concerns about our path to victory: If you have time today, will you fill out our survey a…
  Flip The Senate · [email protected]
October 8, 2019 at 12:55 AM

Take the survey

  Our job is to take back the Senate, John. But we cannot do it alone — we need your help. Building a powerful movement to flip the Senate will require your voice as we make some tough decisions. So, we need to hear from you. Will you take our quick priorities survey to help map out o…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
October 4, 2019 at 2:24 PM

22 Republicans running for re-election are on notice

  John, We have a chance to make history next November. But the work starts now, and we’re putting the 22 Republicans who are running for re-election on notice. Let Mitch McConnell and the other 21 Republicans running for re-election know that you’re ready to be part of the team that …
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
October 3, 2019 at 1:49 PM

Since the beginning

  Dedicated grassroots supporters are the backbone of the movement to flip the Senate in 2020. Up against special-interest groups funding candidates like Mitch McConnell and his GOP cronies running for re-election, all of our grassroots donors and teammates — just like you, John! — h…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
September 30, 2019 at 10:15 PM

Just a moment

  John, we’ll keep this quick. Tonight is a big deadline, and every time we meet a goal we’ve set we’re one step closer to sending Mitch McConnell packing in 2020. Will you chip in $5 or more before midnight to help us raise $5,089 and smash our Flip the Senate goal of $20,000? If you…
  Flip The Senate · [email protected]
September 30, 2019 at 2:48 PM

They’re not fighting for us so we’re fighting to replace them

  There’s good news and there’s bad news, John. The good news: Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight is reporting that Democrats CAN flip the Senate. The bad news: Republicans are smashing fundraising records every day and raising more money than ever to try to keep their hold on the …
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
September 29, 2019 at 11:53 PM

Time to send them packing, John

  Senate Democrats are calling for an investigation into Donald Trump’s latest treasonous remarks where he once again attempted to lure foreign interference into our elections. But as long as Mitch McConnell is still in charge of the Senate, Donald Trump and his administration will co…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
September 29, 2019 at 2:46 PM

One question survey

  With so much at stake in 2020, we want to know what issue is at the top of your mind. John -- your input is critical. Will you take 10 seconds to fill out our 1-question survey? Here’s what it looks like: Click here to take the survey: https://secure.ngpvan.com/W7srJcf3qk6KP_BZSmc…
  Flip The Senate · [email protected]
September 28, 2019 at 3:59 PM

Mitch McConnell thinks it’s funny that bills die in the Senate -- let’s send him packing

  FIRST: NBCNews said, “The Senate suddenly looks up for grabs in 2020…” THEN: The National Journal ranked Colorado, Arizona, North Carolina, Maine, Iowa, Mississippi, Georgia, Texas and the other Georgia seat among the top flippable seats in the Senate. NOW: We need to keep t…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
September 27, 2019 at 6:20 PM

These Democratic Senators need us

  Here are 10 quick reasons our work to take back control of the Senate is so important: Doug Jones in Alabama. Chris Coons in Delaware. Dick Durbin in Illinois. Ed Markey in Massachusetts. Gary Peters in Michigan. Tina Smith in Minnesota. Jeanne Shaheen in New Hampshire. Jeff Merkley…
  Flip The Senate · [email protected]
September 26, 2019 at 7:41 PM

Is it time to ditch Mitch?

  Is it time to send Mitch McConnell packing? YES   NO   Mitch McConnell is the least popular senator in the country. What would you do to send him packing as Majority Leader? Consider a donation of $10 or more to help fuel our work to Flip the Senate and kno…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
September 26, 2019 at 1:12 AM

Become a monthly sustainer today to Flip the Senate in 2020

  John, Ever since Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans have been in power they’ve used every second to pack our federal courts with extremist right-wing judges and sided with special interests — all at the cost of everyday Americans across the country. We’re fighting back, and that…
  Flip The Senate · [email protected]
September 23, 2019 at 2:13 PM

Sign the petition to demand Mitch McConnell protect our elections now

  Election Protection Update for John Email: [email protected] 2020 Election Protection Signature: MISSING Democrats in the Senate have been fighting day in and day out for comprehensive election security legislation but Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans have thrown up ro…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
September 18, 2019 at 4:13 PM

Thanks, John

  We’re at a defining moment in history, John. Donald Trump and his cronies are running amok in D.C. and are only looking out for special interests, not real people and the realities we face every day. Last weekend, we set an ambitious mid-month goal to bring in enough resources to Fl…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
September 16, 2019 at 3:30 PM

Just 51.02% of the Senate confirmed Brett Kavanaugh last year

  Flip the Senate is working tirelessly every day to help Democrats have what they need to win in November 2020 and take back the Senate from Mitch McConnell. We need your help now if we want to have a fighting chance next year. Will you rush a donation of $25 or more to fuel our w…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
September 16, 2019 at 12:19 AM

The shortest email in your inbox right now

  John — we only have $2,498 to go before midnight tonight to meet our mid-month fundraising goal. Your contribution could be the one that puts us over the finish line — can you donate $10 or more before midnight to help us make this goal a reality? If you've saved your payment infor…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
September 15, 2019 at 4:34 PM

We only need 51 people from Washington to step up before midnight

  FIRST: We laid out the stakes and explained why it’s so critical to invest early in every Senate battleground state that’s up for grabs. THEN: We set a goal of raising $20,000 in 48 hours in the hopes of supporting incredible candidates like Sara Gideon in Maine, Mark Kelly in Ariz…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
September 14, 2019 at 2:12 PM

Make Mitch nervous — help us meet this goal

  John — We know that Republicans are going to reach deep into their pockets to fight and keep their hold on the Senate. We already know they’re on track to beat their spending in 2018. And we know that the only way to fight back is if every one of us steps up today to do our part. …
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
September 13, 2019 at 6:12 PM

It won’t matter who’s in the White House if we don’t take back the Senate

  Last night’s historic debate brought together the top ten Democratic candidates for president in Houston, where visions for the future, plans for how to make it happen, and healthy debate were shared from one side of the stage to the other. It’s clear that each of the presidential …
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
September 12, 2019 at 2:25 PM

The number of uninsured Americans just went up for the first time since the ACA passed

  Flip the Senate is working hard every day to make sure Democrats have what they need to Ditch Mitch and take back the Senate next November.  Make a donation of $10 or more to support our work today: Chip in $10 now Since passing the Affordable Care Act, we’ve s…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
September 9, 2019 at 8:43 PM

Flipping the Senate could happen if we act today

  NBC News: The Senate suddenly looks like it's up for grabs in 2020 - NBC News, 9/1/2019 We know the truth, John — there’s nothing sudden about this. Democrats have been putting in the hours to recruit great candidates and now we need to make sure they all have what they’ll need t…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
September 6, 2019 at 9:58 PM

Ditch Mitch

  McConnell: GOP would 'absolutely' fill Supreme Court seat next year — The Hill Help us Ditch Mitch and stop him from getting another Supreme Court seat. Rush a donation to our campaign to Flip the Senate and end McConnell's stranglehold on power: If you've saved your payment info…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
August 31, 2019 at 8:06 PM

Tonight’s deadline

  John — Sara Gideon in Maine, Amy McGrath in Kentucky, Mark Kelly in Arizona, Theresa Greenfield in Iowa, Ben Ray Lujan in New Mexico, and Jaime Harrison in South Carolina — that’s our growing list of Democratic candidates who have a real shot at defeating their Republican opponents …
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
August 30, 2019 at 7:00 PM

Only with your help

  We are asking you to please donate to our campaign to take back the Senate because we are falling behind on our all-important end-of-month fundraising deadline. Here’s why you should give right now: Trump and Republicans are not going to give up their power so easily — they’re goin…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
August 30, 2019 at 12:05 AM

Falling behind

  Here’s a short list for you, John: Sara Gideon in Maine Mark Kelly in Arizona Theresa Greenfield in Iowa Ben Ray Lujan in New Mexico Jaime Harrison in South Carolina Any of these names ring a bell? They’re our Democratic candidates for Senate in battleground states across the coun…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
August 28, 2019 at 9:41 PM

Georgia is officially a battleground state

  John — Georgia is now officially a battleground state in 2020. Moments ago, Republican Senator Johnny Isakson announced he will be retiring at the end of this year. Not only that, but Georgia’s second Republican Senator David Perdue is up for re-election next year. That means two of…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
August 27, 2019 at 10:05 PM


  “If we don’t keep the Senate, we’re basically screwed." — top Republican strategist in The Hill We know it. Donald Trump knows it. Republicans know it. If they lose control of the Senate, they’ll no longer have the power to push through their dangerous agenda. Let’s make sure we …
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
August 22, 2019 at 9:46 PM

Take a look at this headline

  “Real change after 2020 depends on who controls the Senate” — Washington Post Flipping the Senate in 2020 is critical to any progress a Democratic President-Elect hopes to achieve. Without it, she or he will not have the tools they need to create sweeping, positive change in our …
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
August 19, 2019 at 10:16 PM

Cook Political Report moves Susan Collins Senate race to 'toss-up'

  Cook Political Report moves Susan Collins Senate race to 'toss-up' Add a contribution to fund our campaign to Flip the Senate in 2020 and help put our Democratic candidates over the top:   If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go throug…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
August 16, 2019 at 6:25 PM

Thank you

  John — We wanted to send you a quick note to thank you for helping us hit our mid-month fundraising target. Because of your generosity, we’re on track to reach our August goal. While we’re only halfway through the month, your support has allowed us to continue gathering the resource…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
August 16, 2019 at 1:15 AM


  We don't want to alarm you, John, but we are still a bit behind on our mid-month fundraising goal and the deadline is at midnight. That gives us just a few short hours to get back on the right track — so, we’re asking: Can you add a donation as part of our emergency push to get our …
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
August 15, 2019 at 6:25 PM

One photo

  Take a look at this guy, John. Mitch McConnell’s super PACs and dark money groups have been dumping money into states like North Carolina and Arizona — places where our Democratic candidates have a real shot at flipping Senate seats. John, we already know McConnell is going to do w…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
August 14, 2019 at 8:16 PM

“Lindsey Graham promises Obamacare repeal if Trump wins and GOP takes back the House”

  “Lindsey Graham promises Obamacare repeal if Trump wins and GOP takes back the House” — Washington Post If we’re going to finally put an end to Republican attacks on our health care, then we must take back the Senate. Add a donation toward our efforts to flip the majority before …
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
August 14, 2019 at 1:23 AM

Meet our Senate candidates

  John — Our list of Democratic candidates who have a real shot at taking back the Senate in 2020 keeps growing, and we want to introduce you to a few of them. But first, we’re asking you to rush a donation to make sure they have the resources they need to Flip the Senate in 2020. You…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
August 7, 2019 at 9:08 PM

Gun violence is an epidemic

  John — In a little over a week, we have witnessed three mass shootings in Texas, Ohio, and California. It’s heartbreaking, but it’s also frustrating because we know how to prevent these tragedies from ever happening again. There’s just one problem: Mitch McConnell and Senate Republi…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
August 1, 2019 at 10:31 PM

Thank you

  John — Thank you for stepping up for our end-of-month deadline last night. We just got word that we hit our fundraising goal for July, which is a pretty big deal — and we’ll tell you why: With so many incredible candidates lined up who are prepared to lead Democrats to a major victo…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
August 1, 2019 at 2:12 AM

Fwd: One thing

  It’s almost midnight, which means we’re about to close the books on our end-of-month deadline. But we’re still behind on our online fundraising goal. Can we count on your support in these final hours? Rush an urgent donation to help us reach our all-important goal before midnight…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
July 31, 2019 at 8:44 PM

One thing

  John, Last night, millions of Americans tuned in to watch the second round of presidential debates, and we have one more on deck for tonight. From protecting our health care to tackling climate change, a series of important issues are being covered during these debates, but one thin…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
July 30, 2019 at 8:59 PM

crunching the numbers

  John — Our next fundraising deadline is tomorrow, which means we’re about to begin crunching the numbers to see if we’re going to hit our projections. As it stands, however, we’re still behind on our grassroots goals. Can we count on your help before midnight tomorrow? Rush an urgen…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
July 30, 2019 at 1:36 AM


  John — Mitch McConnell has undermined our institutions and put our democracy in danger for far too long — all to score political points with the right-wing base and make sure Republicans maintain their stranglehold on the Senate majority. For the sake of our democracy, Mitch must go…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
July 28, 2019 at 10:45 PM

Fwd: You’re our best shot at making a real difference in Senate races across the country

  We have an impressive slate of Democratic candidates running for Senate in 2020 — which means we have a real shot at taking back the majority. But we need your help to do it. Rush an urgent donation to help us reach our critical End of Month goal before this week’s deadline. Your…
  Flip the Senate · [email protected]
July 26, 2019 at 11:01 PM

You’re our best shot at making a real difference in Senate races across the country

  John — Sara Gideon in Maine, Amy McGrath in Kentucky, Mark Kelly in Arizona, Theresa Greenfield in Iowa, Ben Ray Lujan in New Mexico, and Jaime Harrison in South Carolina — that’s our growing list of Democratic candidates who have a real shot at defeating their Republican opponents …