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Today's Intelligence News & Opinion
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U.K. Approves Limited Huawei Technology--and U.S. Signals Approval--The Guardian reports that Prime Minister Boris Johnson has reached an understanding with President Trump who sought to ban the Chinese telecom from Western 5G networks.
U.S. and Russian Conspiracy Theories Compared --The Russian podcast Naked Pravda examines the stories we tell about each other.
The Mossad Agent Who Befriended a Terrorist and Then Eliminated HIm-- Assassination is a cold blooded business.
SIdney Gottlieb: Mastermind of MKULTRA--Stephen Kinzer's book lays bare the story of a genial countercultural war criminal. 
The Weakest Link: Impeachment and National Security--President Trump's Ukraine policy wasn't a threat to national security any more than President Obama's was.
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