, I know in our rush yesterday there was a mistake in my
email subject. I’m sorry. But make no mistake, the team at
the Taxpayers’ Union are ready and waiting to hold Jacinda Ardern to
account for how her Government wastes your taxpayer money. We just
need your support to make it happen.
now to the 2020 election fighting fund to hold the Government to
![[Chip in $40] [Chip in $40]](https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/taxpayers/mailings/547/attachments/original/Donate_40.png?1580247543)
![[Chip in $20] [Chip in $20]](https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/taxpayers/mailings/547/attachments/original/Donate_20.png?1580247620)
![[Chip in $5] [Chip in $5]](https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/taxpayers/mailings/547/attachments/original/Donate_5.png?1580247649)
Thank you for making possible our work fighting for lower
taxes, less waste, and more transparency for taxpayers like
From: David
Date: Tuesday, 28 January 2020
at 3:08 PM
<[email protected]>
Dear Friend,
Jacinda Ardern has just announced that the 2020 General
Election will happen on 19 September.
In effect, that means the campaign starts right now. All signs
suggest we are looking at the most competitive election for a
first-term Government in a generation.
A close election means all bets are off for how much the
politicians will promise to buy themselves an election victory.
to strengthen the voice for taxpayers, fiscal restraint and
transparency during the 2020 campaign.
Jacinda Ardern and her Government have already blown the surplus
with their huge spending increases to date. They will spend every cent
(and more) to secure a second-term Labour-Green coalition, even if it
means increasing taxes on you and your family.
In fact, the lolly scramble begins tomorrow as Grant Robertson is
set to announce a $12 billion splurge. That’s
twelve thousand million — nearly $7,000 per
Kiwi household.
Unless the Taxpayers' Union springs into action, this election will
boil down to a bidding war. Our team have a plan to make
sure Lower Taxes, Less Waste, More Transparency is at the
heart of the debate — but we need your help to put it into
here to contribute to the 2020 taxpayer fighting
Thanks to the support from thousands of New Zealanders like you,
last year's 'Axe this Tax' campaign successfully defeated Michael
Cullen's proposed capital gains tax. In 2020 we must step up to fight
an even bigger threat: a Labour-Green coalition that has its eyes on
your wallet.
you for your support.
David Farrar Treasurer
-- Sent from my iPhone.