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March 28, 2023

Respond With Care in Support of
Young People

An adult woman holding hands with a boy student in front of a school.

Handle With Care: Supporting Young People During Crises

In the aftermath of traumatizing events—like the devastation wrought by deadly tornadoes in Mississippi over the weekend—it can be difficult to know how to respond, especially when trying to support children. This new LFJ resource article provides guidance for families, educators and community members who must respond to the needs of children as a traumatizing event unfolds.

“While adults should prepare to engage young people in conversations about what’s happening around them, we must always consider the well-being of all children, and especially those who may witness or are personally affected by these events.”

Read more here.

Resource Spotlight

SPLC & Learning for Justice present Diversifying Classroom Texts, a webinar on March 29, 2023, at 3:30 p.m. CDT.

LFJ Webinar: Diversifying Classroom Texts

Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 29, at 3:30 p.m. CDT, join antiracist education experts Dr. Sonja Cherry-Paul and Tricia Ebarvia for a thought-provoking webinar highlighting the importance of diversifying classroom texts, especially in our current political climate. Participants will learn best practices for how to use literature to center and explore the diverse experiences of Black and Brown people and how to advocate for more diverse texts in curricula, classrooms and school communities. Learn more and register here.

Professional Development Opportunities

Four people meeting in an office around a table with laptops.

Professional Learning Workshops

LFJ offers virtual open-enrollment professional learning workshops for current K-12 classroom teachers, administrators and counselors, and for anyone who coaches classroom teachers and administrators. Spring workshops are now open. Check out our list of available workshops and register today!

Professional Learning Institutes

This summer, LFJ will host two Professional Learning Institutes: low-cost, weeklong, immersive, place-based learning experiences that will support educators’ capacities to implement social justice education in their practice. Learn more about the institutes and how to apply here.

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