I need us to move quickly on what I'm about to tell you: 
72 hours from the first deadline of the year, I just heard McConnell is PLUMMETING in the polls. 
If we blow this deadline out of the water, it will spell a HISTORIC defeat for McConnell and his Senate. 
Democratic Membership
[email protected]PENDING
Suggested Support: $10 >>
But if McConnell gets word of Democrats’ plan before the deadline, his wealthy donors will swoop in at the last second to save him. 
I only need 2,345 more gifts in these final 72 hours to WIN my race and DEFEAT McConnell’s Senate. 
Can I count on your immediate $10? 
Chip in $10 now >>

Chip in $20 now >>

Chip in $70 now >>

Chip in $130 now >>

Chip in another amount now >>
Thank you for your support, 
Ben Ray

People for Ben
PO Box 25371
Albuquerque, NM 87125


Paid for and authorized by People for Ben.