John, we need urgent action.
Gun violence is now the leading cause of death for children and teens in America, and every day it kills 120 people and wounds hundreds more. We can't let another moment pass without addressing our country's gun violence crisis.
We must hold the people who continue to enable gun violence accountable: The lawmakers who choose to exacerbate this crisis with only thoughts, prayers, and deadly legislation to further weaken our gun laws. The gun industry executives and gun traffickers who have flooded our communities with guns. The extremists who have pushed forward a violent agenda that we—and our children—are paying for with our lives.
Everytown for Gun Safety, Moms Demand Action, and Students Demand Action are the counterweight to the gun lobby and their extremist allies. We are working in communities across the country to demand life-saving action to end gun violence. We have never backed down from the hard work it will take, and we never will.
Fighting for gun safety in every single state would be impossible without supporters like you—that's why we rely on grassroots donors to keep us going. Support our work in this critical moment by making a grassroots donation today.
Thank you for being with us,
Everytown and Moms Demand Action