FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 28, 2023 Contact:?Brigit E. Brown, DNR Recreation Management Supervisor? [email protected] or?608-219-1295
2023 State Trail Passes Available For Purchase
 A?state trail pass?is required for all people age 16 or older biking, in-line skating, horseback riding or off-highway motorcycling on specific state trails. / Photo Credit: iStock/SrdjanPav
MADISON, Wis.???The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) reminds outdoor recreators that 2023 state trail passes are now available.
Get outdoors this spring with access to some of the most scenic areas in Wisconsin, including thousands of miles of trails and a wide variety of outdoor recreation opportunities.
The 2023 state trail passes are valid from the date of purchase through Dec. 31, 2023.
A?state trail pass?is required for all people age 16 or older biking, in-line skating, horseback riding or off-highway motorcycling on specific state trails. A state trail pass is not required for walking or hiking.
Trails that require a pass are in state parks, forests and recreation areas, and stand-alone state trails. Signs are posted at trailheads on the trails that require a state trail pass. County and local trails in Wisconsin may have their own fees, and state trail passes are not valid at those trails.
?Our 700 miles of equestrian trails and thousands of bike miles provide outside recreation, enjoyment and health and wellness opportunities to millions of visitors each year,? said Steve Schmelzer, Parks and Recreation Management Bureau Director. ?State trail pass sales help DNR staff maintain these trails, both our linear trails and those heavily used trails inside of parks and forests for bikes and horses, and it helps us continue to expand the network of available miles to residents and out-of-state visitors alike.?
Annual trail passes are $25 for residents and non-residents. A $5 state trail day pass is also available.
State trail passes are available only at individual properties, licensed vendors or self-registration stations. Trail fee revenues are used for maintaining and operating state trails and trails in state parks, forests and recreation areas. These costs include dealing with erosion, trash removal, maintaining safe surfaces, trimming brush, removing fallen trees and law enforcement.
A 2023 state park and forest annual vehicle admission sticker?or a day pass for admission to parks, forests, and recreation areas may be required for entry in addition to the state trail pass.
For more information on Wisconsin state trail passes, visit the DNR State Trail Pass website.