Call for poets! Interested in sharing your work related SAAPM? Register now to read your work (or just attend)!

Poetry Share Info

SAAPM Starts on Saturday

April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (SAAPM)

Tuesday, April 4th: Wear teal for the National Day of Action

Wear teal and post a selfie or a group photo to social media, tagging @doorways_va on Instagram or @doorwaysva on Twitter and Facebook. Check out our Teal Out toolkit for sample text to tell your friends why you’re wearing teal, and call on them to join you in creating change!

TEAL OUTreach Kit

No teal in your closet? No problem!

Turn your social media profile pictures teal for SAAPM and/or and use our teal virtual background to raise awareness.

Frame for Profile Photo
Virtual Backgrounds

Wednesday, April 5th: Take the pledge to Start By Believing

Download and print the Start By Believing placard, add your name, take a picture and share it. Check out our Start By Believing toolkit for sample text to tell your friends about the pledge and its purpose, and call on them to join you in believing survivors.

Start By Believing Kit

More ways to take action all month long!

Stay tuned for more events all month long, including a poetry share and a family movie event. In the meantime, check out more ways to get involved!

5 Ways to Take Action during SAAPM

In the News

From trans youth, to you: a beacon of hope and joy in these trying times.

See the Zine

HHS Strengthens Response to Domestic Violence through the New Office of Family Violence Prevention and Services

"The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced a new office, the Office of Family Violence Prevention and Services (OFVPS), under the Administration for Children and Families (ACF)."

Learn More

"Ending" Homelessness: What Is Functional Zero?

Homelessness is solvable, but it requires clearly defined goals toward a shared reality. Functional zero is a milestone that shows we have measurably ended homelessness for a population and that we're maintaining that end.

Learn More

Drive-Thru Deeds

Deliver or send critical supplies for our clients

Swing by our office on Fridays from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to drop off your donations, or ship a gift directly to Doorways via our Amazon Wish List.

Shop Wish List

Support Us While You Shop

It's the last week to get your Community Bag from the Giant located at 3115 Lee Highway, where Doorways will receive $1 from every bag purchased (ends March 31st)!

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