Jeff Sharlet – The Undertow: Scenes from a Slow Civil War
Episode 150! Thank you for listening and being part of Refusing Fascism in the name of humanity! Thank you for being on this journey with us as we engage, dialogue, and debate with a broad array of writers, scholars, legal experts, and people from different walks of life on the roots, nature, and trajectory of fascism in this country. Together we are working on changing the way people think that prevents them from taking necessary action, helping people to look at uncomfortable truths and act with daring. Together we are forging understanding and relationships aimed at preventing the consolidation of fascism.
Uploaded March 26. Sam Goldman talks to Jeff Sharlet, author and journalist (The Family: The Secret
Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power, C Street: The
Fundamentalist Threat to American Democracy) and now his new book The Undertow: Scenes from a Slow Civil War. It’s a must-read for understanding the moment we’re in from someone who has closely followed the American fascist movement.

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Sam Goldman on Jeff Sharlet's new The Undertow: Scenes from a Slow Civil War
Jeff stands out in his ability to take seriously, without a whiff of romanticism, the people he studies.He writes beautifully, artfully, taking us to where many dare not go, asking questions that too many are afraid to ask. From hipster churches to incel gatherings to back woods tent revivals and the homes of insurrectionists, we get a 360 view of the slow civil war.
In his latest book, The Undertow, Jeff excavates the Trumpocene digging beneath the surface, to the darkest fascist delusions held by millions here, on the so-called "Shining City on the Hill." His analysis is indispensable in helping us understand what we are up against & threatens to take us all under and the fault-lines on which we may wrench opportunity for a better world.
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