2020 is our year for the Boundary Waters
The last few months have been tumultuous for the fight to protect the Boundary Waters from the threat of sulfide-ore copper mining in its watershed. As the lead organization in this fight, the Campaign has been working in overdrive – below is an update on everything that has been happening and ways you can get involved. Plus, don’t forget -- tonight, Jan. 28 - National Campaign Chair, Becky Rom, will be giving an update at REI in Bloomington, MN. RSVP here.
For the Wilderness,
The Team at the Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters
Boundary Waters Bill Update
On January 15, MN Rep. Betty McCollum introduced a bill entitled “The Boundary Waters Wilderness Protection and Pollution Prevention Act” in the U.S. House of Representatives. We are immensely thankful for the leadership demonstrated here by Rep. McCollum. Read more about the bill on our blog here. Additionally, please join us at 8:30 am CST on Wednesday, February 5th, 2020 for a video update about Rep. McCollum's bill H.R. 5598 and a live link to the first hearing in the U.S. House of Representatives. You can submit your questions about this recent bill ahead of time here and we will address as many of them as we can during the video update.

Twin Metals Submits its Mine Plan
On December 18, 2019 Twin Metals Minnesota, the wholly owned subsidiary of Chilean mining giant Antofagasta, submitted its plans to open a sulfide-ore copper mine on the edge of, and in the watershed of, the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. This begins the slow, methodical march towards acquiring permits that would mean destruction for America’s most visited Wilderness.

We Had Our Day in Court
Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness (NMW, the leader of the Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters) and nine Minnesota outdoor recreation businesses challenged the unlawful reinstatement of federal mineral leases by the Trump administration by filing a lawsuit in federal court in June 2018. On Friday, December 20, 2019, we had our day in court. NMW's pro bono lawyers at Morrison & Foerster presented the case for NMW, nine businesses, and four conservation groups before US District Court Judge Trevor McFadden.

Save the Boundary Waters is Hiring!
The campaign the Save the Boundary Waters is hiring for a full-time Regional Campaign Organizer. Please share this opportunity with your networks.

Save the Date for the 2020 Spring Gala
Please make note of the event's change from Fall to Spring and mark your calendars to make sure you don't miss the biggest Boundary Waters event of the year! General admission tickets will go on sale on March 5, 2020. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]

Save the Date for Wild Waters 2020
Already planning your summer vacation up north? Join us on Friday, July 31st in Duluth at Bayfront Festival Park for our second annual Wild Waters Music Concert to benefit the Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters. More details to come.

Find a Save the Boundary Waters Team Near You
Our Teams are led by Save the Boundary Waters Ambassadors -- volunteers based in their communities who work closely with Campaign staff to educate and organize other passionate Boundary Waters supporters. We currently have almost 40 Teams across the country. Click here to find one near you! If you are interested in helping us start a Team in your area, apply here!
Join Kids for the Boundary Waters
in Washington, D.C. this June
Kids for the Boundary Waters hosts an annual fly-in to Washington, D.C, to advocate for the Wilderness. While in D.C., participants begin with an intensive advocacy workshop to learn about the mining that threatens the BWCAW. More information about the fly-in can be found here.

BWCA Permits Available Tomorrow!
Permits are available starting tomorrow, 1/29/20 at 9am CST. Permits will continue to be available throughout the rest of the year on a first come first serve basis.

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Save the Boundary Waters P.O. Box 625 Ely, MN 55731 United States