Dear Friend, *Angelina’s story is a likely story, based on the findings of research. Angelina is not a real individual. |
When Angelina* first watched the Disney movie Frozen, she promptly became obsessed. For the next several months, little Angelina could constantly be found toddling about the house, singing “Let it gooooo” at the top of her lungs. Brave and beautiful Elsa became Angelina’s idol. On Halloween, Angelina donned an Elsa costume. When she turned 6-years-old, she had an Elsa-themed birthday party. At school, she invariably spent her recesses playing “Elsa and Anna” with her best friend Carlie. (Angelina was always Elsa. Carlie was Anna.) One day, Angelina was on her mother’s iPad. She was allowed to use the device to entertain herself while her parents were busy cooking dinner or working. With her tiny thumbs, Angelina typed “Elsa” into the search bar. For the next twenty minutes or so, she swiped happily through the videos and songs and images of her well-beloved Frost Queen. Then, Angelina arrived at a video titled “Frozen Elsa and Anna Hardcore BDSM.” She clicked on it. . . |
We need go no further into what Angelina would have seen that day. The above image depicts the first page of results when NCOSE researchers typed the words “Elsa Frozen” into Pornhub. For your protection, we blocked all thumbnails and blurred explicit language. But girls like Angelina would not have enjoyed such protection. The disturbing reality is that cartoon pornography, often depicting characters from mainstream children’s shows, is more prevalent than you might think. And new research suggests this subset of pornography is apt at drawing in young children like Angelina. Read more about how cartoon pornography threatens preys on young children here. |