The press corps laughing. Three children gunned down. Monstrous. Here's what you won't hear the press corp ask, What medication was the killer on? We're hormone blockers and psychotropics being used by individual via his doctor?
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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WATCH: After Mass Murder at Christian School By Trans-Male, 6 DEAD, 3 Children Gunned Down, Biden Jokes, Says He Wants Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
The press corps laughing. Three children gunned down. Monstrous.

Here's what you won't hear the press corp ask, What medication was the killer on? We're hormone blockers and psychotropics being used by individual via his doctor?

Further, ...

Professor Suspended After Calling For Killing ‘Right-Wing’ Speakers – It’s ‘Admirable’
Suspended? He should be FIRED. These people are nuts. Evil, violent and nuts. But we are the bad guys.

This is a professor. Is it any wonder young people are so broken?

My colleagues and I have been banned from speaking on college campuses. ...

American Forces Suffered 78 Iranian Attacks Since 2021: US General
Biden sent billions to Iran funding attacks on Americans with impunity.

And how many times has the Biden Administration responded to these attacks? Three times. It's no wonder why America's allies in the Gulf are normalizing relations with Iran ...

Putin Says Russia Will Station Tactical Nukes in Belarus
Never would have happened under President Trump. In fact, Russia doesn't even invade Ukraine if President Trump remained in office. The world is a far more dangerous place because of the Biden Administration's foreign policy.  The US pushed Russia ...

Scotland Gets It’s First Muslim Leader, Delivers Tirade in Parliament Against Too Many Whites in Scottish Government
Back In 2021, thanks to the newly elected  Scottish leader Humza Yousaf (then Justice Minister)  legislation was put in place that would allow citizens to be arrested for dinner conversations that had in their our own homes, if anyone feels there ...

Berlin Voters Reject Bid to Become Climate Neutral by 2030
Germany and the rest of the Europe has suffered the terrible consequence of the big climate hoax.

When reality meets the lie, it's seismic.

Reuters: A referendum in Berlin on Sunday that would have bound the city to strive to be climate ...

One Billion Gretas: Biden Regime Pledges Taxpayer Cash To Support Young Climate Pawns Abroad
A global goon army funded by the American taxpayer.

Monstrous movements always go for the children.

— Pvan_N (@Pvan_N) March 16, 2023

Yes, Leftism Is a Religion: University Gives Greta Thunberg an ...

‘State-Sanctioned Kidnapping’: California Democrat Bill Gives ‘Therapists’ Power to Take Children Away from Parents ‘Without Accusation, Evidence, or Trial’
No child is safe.

And there you have it. That's what's behind it all, the left's malevolent goal – the destruction of our most basic and beautiful building block of civilization. There is no woman, there is no man, no family – just the ...

The Real State of The Union
A nust read from American's great political philospher, VDH.

“In a very brief time, we all but have destroyed the downtowns of our major cities—which will increasingly become vacant in a manner like the 6th-century A.D. Roman forum.” ...

Death Toll During The Holy Month Of Ramadan 2023
Some people point out that there are terrorist attacks every day, all year round. This is true, but they miss the point: the month of Ramadan is not an ordinary month, but a holy month. Ramadan is a special month. Ramadan is a time when Muslims are ...

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