Dear John,
Now that Parliament is back in full swing, we’re focussed on
holding the Government to account over its wasteful spending and
excessive use of consultants.
Meanwhile, National has released a range of strong policies around
education, childcare and water. These practical policies will really
benefit people in places like Southland and are what’s needed to get
our country back on track.
My office has also been busy with lots of constituent enquiries and
I’ve had the pleasure of attending some great local events, meeting
lots of you along the way.

This year’s Surf to City event attracted over 3000 participants. I
was proud to complete the 3Km section with my daughter Briony.
Congratulations to everyone who gave it a go.
Crime continues in the South
It’s shocking that robberies are continuing to happen in our city,
including a nasty ram-raid at the Pomona St Discounter last week.
While Labour sits on its hands, National would go hard on crime. Our
Law and Order policy includes a youth military academy and extended
prison stays.

A fabulous turnout at the Southland A & P Association show
recently, which made for great event where the best of town and
country got together
Teaching the Basics Brilliantly
Christopher Luxon unveiled National’s plan to reverse the damage
done to New Zealand's schooling academic achievement. 'Teaching the
Basics Brilliantly' will ensure every child has the skills they need
in reading, writing, maths and science, to set them up for further
success. National will require all primary and intermediate schools
to teach an hour of reading, an hour of writing and an hour of maths
every day.
FamilyBoost will support families
I was in Auckland recently when National leader Christopher Luxon
announced our new FamilyBoost childcare tax rebate, to support young
families dealing with Labour’s cost-of-living crisis. This rebate will
target 130,000 lower and middle-income families with up to $75 more in
their weekly after-tax pay - that’s $3,900 every year, depending on

I’m astounded at the food prices that we’re being forced to pay and
I despair for young families and the elderly who tell me they’re
really struggling
Food prices eating into wages
Record food prices are hurting Southlanders, as the cost-of-living
crisis becomes entrenched under Labour. Statistics New Zealand data
shows that food prices have risen by 12 per cent in the past 12
months, with fruit and vegetables up 23 per cent. Food prices have
increased more in the past three years than in the entire nine years
of the previous National Government.

International Women’s Day was a great opportunity to acknowledge
the success of women. I feel honoured to be in Parliament promoting
the voice of Southern women and representing the Invercargill
Three Waters has to go
National will scrap Three Waters and Labour’s co-governed
mega-entities. We will restore council ownership and control, set
strict rules for water quality and investment in infrastructure and
ensure water services are financially sustainable.
In the news:
My Diary:
March 28th-29th: Parliament Sitting
March 30th: South Island Field Days Kirwee
April 1st: NZ Certified Builders Annual Apprentice Challenge
April 4th-6th: Parliament Sitting
As always, I’m here to help. Please contact me at my Invercargill
office on Ph- 03 218 5060, or email me at: [email protected]
Thank you for your support
Penny Simmonds