Mondays of Meaning

March 27th 2023 | Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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In this week's edition, I write about the meaning of life, a topic about which I am frequently asked. Rafe Kelley joins me to discuss parkour and how movement needs to be a part of our everyday lives, and in a look back through the archives, Yeonmi Park shares her story about growing up in North Korea. 

Deep And Abiding Meaning In Life

The truth of the matter is, you cannot do anything without at least a micro plan. You might say, “I am nothing but an aggregate of micro plans” — although no one ever says that, but you get the point — and that is a pretty confused person. They just move from one short-term, unconscious attention orientation to another. The problem with that is, there is no coherence to their actions. The actions then contradict — or they are so multiplicitous that the person is anxious — and because there is no long-term goal or vision, they do not have any hope because hope is experienced in relationship to a superordinate goal. 

You might hope that you make a peanut butter sandwich properly, and fair enough; that is important in that tiny frame of time and space, but because it is so short-term, it is not the sort of thing that can give deep and abiding meaning to your life. 

You need that deep and abiding meaning to orient you so you are not terrified by the multiplicity of possibilities, and you need meaning to aim toward something that is high enough so that you feel hope and enthusiasm as you observe yourself moving toward the goal.

An Invitation To Apply To Ralston College

Applications for Ralston College's MA in the Humanities for 2023 are now open. Ralston College offers an MA in the Humanities, online short courses, live lectures, in-person events, and podcasts.

For more information about Ralston College, please visit: 
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Join Jordan as he takes you on a tour of the Museum of the Bible in the feature-length documentary Logos & Literacy. The documentary explores the Bible's impact on society, including how it shapes our understanding of the world. Experts in history, theology, and philosophy join Jordan as he delves into the fascinating history and influence of the Bible. Don't miss out on the chance to watch Logos & Literacy for free, available for a limited time on DailyWire+.

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This Week On The Podcast

Parkour and Rough Play | Rafe Kelley | EP 343

I am joined by movement and parkour expert Rafe Kelley to discuss the importance of rough-and-tumble play for developing children, how a lifestyle centered around movement can expand our grasp and involvement with the natural world, and why society should value masculine activities, rather than adhering to the push for feminization in all aspects of modern life.

From The Archives

Yeonmi Park, who lived through some of the harshest times in North Korea after the Soviet Union collapsed, explained to me how the regime maintains the system: by withholding information from its citizens, such as simple vocabulary for freedom, revolution, and love. She never saw a map of the world in school, but she did see the dead on the street each day. 

Thank you for reading, 

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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