Arise Update

In This Issue...

March 27, 2023



We hope you enjoy this preview of Alabama Arise’s weekly legislative update! Every week during the Alabama Legislature’s regular session, we send members like you an up-to-the-minute summary of what you need to know from the past week at the State House – and what to expect in the week ahead.

We are proud to offer this as a members-only benefit of Arise. If you enjoy this recap but aren’t yet a member, join us today with a gift of any amount by April 1 and you will continue receiving this recap throughout the session. Memberships renew annually.

To help cover the cost of our membership program, we suggest a gift of at least $50, or a gift of $5 a month. We hope you will consider sustaining our work year-round by becoming a monthly donor. Just click “make this donation recurring” below your gift amount. Thank you for your support of our movement for a better Alabama!

If you cannot afford a membership but would like to join Arise, email development associate McKenzie Burton at [email protected].


Cover Alabama Lobby Day 2023

The Cover Alabama coalition held its first Lobby Day on March 21 on the steps of the State House in Montgomery. Faith leaders, community advocates and people living in Alabama’s health coverage gap spoke about the importance of Medicaid expansion for their families and communities. Advocates then met with lawmakers to urge them to save lives and create jobs by expanding Medicaid.

Arise legislative update: March 27, 2023

Arise's Pres Harris invites you to our Legislative Day on April 11 in Montgomery. Legislative Day is an annual opportunity for Arise supporters to meet their lawmakers and make the case for policy changes to improve life for every Alabamian. We expect this year’s advocacy to focus on expanding Medicaid, untaxing groceries and funding public transportation. Find out more and register by April 3 here.

Alabama Arise: You're invited: Arise Legislative Day 2023

Your voice matters! Make plans to speak up for a better Alabama by attending Arise's 2023 Legislative Day on Tuesday, April 11, in Montgomery. Legislative Day is an annual opportunity for Arise supporters to meet their lawmakers and make the case for policy changes to improve life for everyday Alabamians. 

Please register by Monday, April 3.

Alabamians for Fair Justice: 2023 Lobby Day

Alabamians for Fair Justice (AFJ) will gather in Montgomery on Tuesday, April 4, to advocate for numerous reforms of the criminal justice system in our state. Alabama Arise is a member of the AFJ coalition.

Alabama Arise: Advocates visit Alabama lawmakers to urge support for Medicaid expansion

“We are hopeful Alabama lawmakers will do the smart, compassionate and fiscally responsible thing and expand Medicaid now,” Arise’s Debbie Smith said during Cover Alabama Lobby Day in Montgomery.

Further reading:

Alabama Public Radio

WEIS-FM, Centre

Alabama Reflector: At Medicaid expansion rally, speakers describe struggles without insurance

“It is really tough for average, everyday workers to come down here and speak to lawmakers about the need for health care, but that’s why it’s critical that we can share those stories,” Arises Robyn Hyden told the Alabama Reflector. ‘It’s unethical not to take care of people’: Advocates urge Alabama lawmakers to expand Medicaid, decry partisanship

“I believe everybody deserves to have health care,” Brewton pediatrician Dr. Marsha Raulerson told after Cover Alabama Lobby Day. “I think it’s a God-given right to be cared for, and our country is rich enough that we can provide health care for everyone.

Alabama Daily News: Dozens rally at Alabama State House demanding Medicaid expansion

“By Alabama not having affordable health care insurance that I can buy into, I have over $150,000 in hospital bills and medical expenses,” Arise board member Kenneth King said. “I believe that it’s time now that we have affordable health care, Medicaid expansion for myself and other families.”

Further reading:

Alabama Reflector

WAFF 48, Huntsville

WSFA 12, Montgomery

WTVM 9, Columbus, Ga.

WTVY 4 Dothan

Valley Labor Report: Why Alabama should expand Medicaid w/ Cover Alabama

Hundreds of thousands of Alabamians are working hard but not paid enough to afford health coverage. Medicaid expansion would change that. For a family of three, the monthly income limit is $372 for a working adult to be able to access [Medicaid] coverage, AriseDebbie Smith told the Valley Labor Report. 

Prism: Millions to lose Medicaid access as COVID-19 enrollment ends

Tens of thousands of Alabamians could lose could lose health coverage as protections established early in the pandemic begin to expire next month. “We’re worried about both people who fall into that coverage gap and people who might remain eligible but could end up nonetheless losing coverage due to a variety of administrative barriers," Arise's Chris Sanders told Prism. Will Ainsworth says he wants to cut Alabama’s grocery tax. What are options?

"By removing the grocery tax, not only will we be helping families make ends meet, we will be helping to fight hunger, and we will also just be doing the right thing in a time with inflation,” Arise’s Akiesha Anderson told

Zonta Club of Birmingham: LUNAFEST benefiting Alabama Arise!

The Zonta Club of Birmingham will donate 100% of the profits from its Lunafest fundraiser to Alabama Arise in support of Medicaid expansion. The lack of health care access in Alabama disproportionately affects women. Lunafest is a 95-minute virtual festival of short films created by women that empower and inspire. The festival will broadcast live on April 15th at 12:00 p.m. After the live broadcast, you can access an on-demand recording until April 17th at 12:00 p.m. You can buy individual tickets or host a watch party. 


Alabama Channel: Live and recorded legislative meetings

The Alabama Channel is a searchable library of live and recorded videos of floor debates and committee meetings at the Alabama Legislature. It is a project of the League of Women Voters of Alabama Education Fund.

Bills we're watching

The Alabama Legislature will be on spring break until April 4. Below are a few of the newly filed bills we will be watching when lawmakers return.

  • HB 175 by Rep. Danny Garrett, R-Trussville, and SB 86 by Sen. Arthur Orr, R-Decatur, are the governor’s proposed one-time income tax rebate of $400 per individual and $800 per couple. The House Ways and Means Education Committee will consider HB 175, and the Senate Finance and Taxation Education Committee will consider SB 86. Arise is monitoring both bills.
  • HB 174 by Rep. Danny Garrett, R-Trussville, and SB 87 by Sen. Arthur Orr, R-Decatur, are the governor's recommended $2.8 billion supplemental appropriation from the Education Trust Fund budget for education-related projects and non-education projects, including the World Games and the Mobile airport. The House Ways and Means Education Committee will consider HB 174, and the Senate Finance and Taxation Education Committee will consider SB 87. Arise is monitoring both bills.
  • HB 14 by Rep. Chris England, D-Tuscaloosa, would require a unanimous jury vote to impose a death sentence. The House Judiciary Committee will consider HB 14. Arise supports HB 14.
  • HB 24 by Rep. Reed Ingram, R-Pike Road, would prohibit loitering on a public roadway or right-of-way and impose criminal penalties for violations. The House County and Municipal Government Committee will consider HB 24. Arise opposes HB 24.



Alabama Arise tracks legislation related to our members' interests. You can find our Bills of Interest here.


Alabama Arise

P.O. Box 1188, Montgomery, Alabama 36101

(334) 832-9060  ·  [email protected]

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