URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Bayer-Monsanto MANIPULATED science to line their pockets and wild bees are paying the price! 

It’s no secret that pollinator populations are SPIRALING RAPIDLY, Friend. Yet corporate giant Bayer-Monsanto is still selling bee-killing pesticides called neonics -- and we’re seeing the devastating impacts.

Today, 40% of all insect pollinators, including many bee species, are on the brink of extinction.

But Bayer-Monsanto is more concerned with their bottom line than the health of our pollinators. A new report co-authored by Friends of the Earth reveals how the company MANIPULATED science and EVADED regulations to continue selling its toxic products for profit -- even though they KNOW they aren’t SAFE! Will you stand up to Bayer-Monsanto and sign your name NOW to protect vulnerable pollinators from lethal pesticides? >>

Neonics are the most widely used pesticides in the WORLD, but their effects are LETHAL to bees. Did you know that neonics have made agriculture nearly 50 TIMES MORE TOXIC to insects in the U.S. in the past 25 years? These harmful pesticides can interfere with bees’ navigation and even KILL bees on contact!

We can’t sit back and watch while our pollinators pay the ultimate price for Bayer-Monsanto’s corporate greed. Not to mention, losing bees impacts you too, Friend. That’s right -- these vital insects are responsible for 1 out of every 3 bites of food we eat! Without them, our food system would suffer devastating consequences.

But Big Ag corporations like Bayer-Monsanto are prioritizing profits and putting our ecosystems at risk. There’s too much on the line, Friend. Please -- for the sake of people, pollinators and our planet -- sign your name NOW and tell Bayer-Monsanto to STOP producing toxic neonics!! >>

Thank you for taking action to save our pollinators!
Friends of the Earth
