We are just four weeks away from the end of the 2023 legislative session and – despite high crime and public outrage – Democrats have yet to take action and reform their failed and deadly pro-criminal laws passed in 2021.
Shift Washington

We are just four weeks away from the end of the 2023 legislative session and – despite high crime and public outrage – Democrats have yet to take action and reform their failed and deadly pro-criminal laws passed in 2021. But as always, we here at Shift WA have you covered with some of this week’s most read stories and insights into what is going on in your own political backyard! Read on…

This week’s Newsmaker Interview…
State Representative Andrew Barkis (R – Lacey), the ranking Republican on the House Transportation Committee, joined us this week. Rep. Barkis gave his insights on legislation passed by the House of Representatives seeking to increase affordable housing units. He also shared his concern with the governor’s plan to have the state recklessly borrow $4 billion for housing projects. Finally, Rep. Barkis expressed his frustration with Democrats for blowing the opportunity to help low-income households through tax cuts. Read more.

This week’s top story…
Upon the heels of the state’s mid-session revenue forecast, liberals from Olympia’s legislative halls to Seattle newsrooms revealed just how math-challenged they are when they attempted to explain to the public that record tax collections do not equal any tax refunds for the state’s taxpayers. Despite revenue increasing, Democrats and news outlets spun the story using a “did not increase enough” angle. Of course, that gives them the perfect excuse to continue raising taxes for more out-of-control spending. Read this story and more.

In case you missed it…
During a townhall meeting in the 36th legislative district, Democrat lawmakers revealed their out-of-touch approach to dealing with skyrocketing crime rates – that is, don’t deal with it at all. State Rep. Julia Reed put the blame for public concern over rising crime rates squarely on a “massive misinformation campaign” that is even confusing her fellow progressives. She said, “I see so many of my Democrat colleagues buying into it, and that really has been personally quite painful for me.” Her comments followed that of State Senator T’wina Nobles who previously insinuated that people concerned with the rising crime rates are being misled because “fear has been instilled in them from our local law enforcement.” Read this story and more.

Your inspiration for the week…
With Democrats in control, there’s a lot to be concerned about in our state. But we believe it’s important to sit back and appreciate the beauty of Washington. Former Congressman Rod Chandler’s beautiful photography helps us do just that. Here’s a photo of Mount Baker and Conway Church that we’re enjoying this week:

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Also, tune in to 570 KVI on your AM dial weekday mornings at 8:05, to hear John Carlson talk Washington State legislative politics with Shift co-founder Randy Pepple. Get early insight into what might make Shift’s next Daily Briefing worth reading!