I hate to bother you, but it's necessary

Folks —

I hate to bother you on a Sunday, but this is really important.

I spent Thursday and Friday on the road meeting with Montanans and listening to their priorities from Great Falls to Bozeman to Three Forks. When I’m not traveling around the state meeting with folks, I’m getting work done on the farm. It was a great trip but my finance team just called to update me on where things stand.

Here’s the bad news: they told me we’re still about $30,000 short of our first FEC end-of-quarter goal. Early deadlines like this can make or break a campaign, so it’s critical we report the strongest numbers possible.

The GOP has already launched early attacks against me so this is the worst time to fall behind.

Asking for money is my least favorite part of the job, but we’ve got to close the gap between now and Friday.

I’ll get to the point: Can you chip in $10 (or more!) to help us get back on track before our end-of-quarter deadline? I’d really appreciate it.

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Thanks for your time,
