Weekly Round Up
Quincy in the News

March 26, 2023

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The U.S. Is Not an Indispensable Peacemaker
By Executive Vice President Trita Parsi

The New York Times, 3/22/23

For too long, Americans have been told that if we do not dominate, the world will descend into chaos. In reality, as the Chinese mediation has shown, other powers are likely to step up to shoulder the burden of security and peacemaking.


Biden Doesn’t Need to Keep Pushing Xi and Putin Closer
By Research Fellow Jake Werner
The Nation, 3/22/23

Making space for China in the global system is a far better strategy for pursuing U.S. goals than is a destructive attempt to isolate and exclude it.


Bad News: How the Media Marched Us to War in Iraq and Beyond

Featuring Senior Advisor Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Peter Beinart, & Jonathan Landay; moderated by Krystal Ball
Quincy Institute, 3/22/23


Keep Talking to the Taliban
By Research Fellow Adam Weinstein
Foreign Policy, 3/23/23

Shaming and shunning won’t make life better for Afghans.

On China’s Rise as a Global Superpower & The Decline of U.S. Empire After Iraq Invasion

Interview with Chairman of the Board Andrew Bacevich  
Democracy Now!, 3/22/23


Aside From Bush & Cheney Who Is at Fault for the Iraq War?

Responsible Statecraft, 3/20/23

We asked a range of historians, journalists and authors — who was the most underrated player in this debacle and why?


Xi, Putin Woo The Global South With Peace Plan; U.S. Risks Dangerous Alliance

Interview with Executive Vice President Trita Parsi
The Hill Rising, 3/23/23


Evergreen Lessons of the Iraq War Twenty Years Later

Featuring Senior Research Analyst Steven Simon, Marsin Alshamary, & Michael O'Hanlon; moderated by Research Fellow Adam Weinstein
Quincy Institute, 3/20/23


Is the U.S. Flirting With Nuclear War?
By Board Chair Andrew Bacevich
The Nation, 3/23/23

A proxy war pitting the United States against a paranoid adversary with a massive nuclear arsenal at his command: What could possibly go wrong?


Little Room for Maneuver as U.S.-China Ties Slide Further by David Brunnstrom & Michael Martina/ Quoted: Senior Research Fellow Michael Swaine, Reuters, 3/24/23

Brazil’s Lula Goes to China This Weekend For More Than Trade Interests by Non-Resident Fellow Andre Pagliarini, Responsible Statecraft, 3/24/23

Diplomacy Watch: The Heavy Price of a New Cold War by Reporter Connor Echols, Responsible Statecraft, 3/24/23

U.S. Launches Airstrikes in Syria After American Killed in Drone Attack by Editorial Director Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Responsible Statecraft, 3/24/23

The Russia-Ukraine War Began After a Xi-Putin Summit. Can It End With One? by Tom O'Connor/ Quoted: Grand Strategy Director George Beebe, Newsweek, 3/23/23

U.S. Moves From Counterterrorism to Great Power Rivalry in the Sahel by Non-Resident Fellow Alex Thurston, Responsible Statecraft, 3/23/23

DIGITAL: The Inside Story-Xi in Russia War in Ukraine Episode 84, Featuring Grand Strategy Director George Beebe, Voice of America, 3/23/23

WEBCAST: Is America Sleepwalking into World War III?, Discussion with Grand Strategy Director George Beebe, The National Interest, 3/23/23

Private Equity Gobbling Up Defense Firms At a Frightening Pace: Experts by Reporter Connor Echols, Responsible Statecraft, 3/22/23

Xi's Comments to Putin About 'Driving Changes Together' Caught on Video? by Brendan Cole/ Quoted: Senior Research Fellow Michael Swaine, Newsweek, 3/22/23

China is Uniting Middle East—That's Bad News for U.S. by Brendan Cole/ Quoted: Senior Research Fellow Michael Swaine, Newsweek, 3/21/23

On China’s Proposed Peace Deal for the War in Ukraine, Interview with Research Fellow Jake Werner, BBC News, 3/21/23

WEBCAST: Media Repeats Iraq War Failures On Ukraine, interview with Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Breaking Points, 3/21/23

PODCAST: Could China Deliver a Peace Deal to End the War in Ukraine? Interview with Director of Grand Strategy George Beebe, Background Briefing With Ian Masters, 3/21/23

On Xi-Putin Visit, the U.S. Sees Only Threats by Advocacy Director Marcus Stanley & Senior Research Fellow Micchael Swaine, Responsible Statecraft, 3/21/23

UK to Send Controversial ‘Depleted Uranium’ Rounds to Ukraine by Reporter Connor Echols, Responsible Statecraft, 3/21/23

WEBCAST: Evergreen Lessons of the Iraq War Twenty Years Later, featuring Senior Research Fellow Steven Simon, Marsin Alshamary, & Michael O'Hanlon; moderated by Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, Quincy Institute, 3/20/23

20 Years Later, The Stain of Corporate Media's Role in Promoting Iraq War Remains by Jake Johnson/ Cited: Quincy Institute, Common Dreams, 3/20/23

And The Winner Is... By Board Chair Andrew Bacevich, The American Conservative, 3/20/23

Forget the Shot and Chaser, Gen Z Got the Iraq War Hangover by Reporter Blaise Malley, Responsible Statecraft, 3/20/23

John Bolton Is Still Wrong About Iraq by Eric Boehm/ Quoted: Reporter Blaise Malley, Reason, 3/20/23

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