J Street's Monthly Newsletter: Friends, For the pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy movement here in the US, this is our moment.
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Street Talk: J Street's Monthly Newsletter


For those who care deeply about Israel and its future as a democratic homeland for the Jewish people, these are unprecedented times.

With the far-right Netanyahu government grinding forward with its plans to undermine rule of law and the independence of Israel's judiciary, an incredible pro-democracy protest movement is reaching a crescendo. And as the government carries out incendiary new acts of creeping annexation, we're seeing signs of growing concern and frustration from the Biden Administration and Congress.

For the pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy movement here in the US, this is our moment.

Together, we're standing with Israelis defending their future in the streets. We're pressing our own leaders in the US to push back firmly against the far-right’s extreme agenda, and to stand up for the shared, democratic values at the heart of the US-Israel relationship. We're making clear that the cycle of deepening occupation and endless conflict is destructive for both Israelis and Palestinians.

In this period of great anxiety and concern, we’re proud of how our community is taking action and speaking out. To help fuel that work in the weeks and months ahead, please consider renewing your support with a contribution of any amount to sustain our work >>

Below, read more about our work over recent weeks. Thank you,

Logan Bayroff
Vice President of Communications


Congress Speaks Out - With Support from J Street

In a J Street-backed letter to President Biden this month, 92 Democratic Members of Congress spoke out strongly about the interconnected crises unfolding in Israel and the West Bank -- including escalating violence, acts of annexation, and the ongoing assault on key pillars of Israeli democracy.

Led by Representatives Rosa DeLauro, Jim McGovern, and Jan Schakowsky, the letter shares “deep concern regarding the planned changes to the structure of the Israeli judiciary, the fragile security situation in the West Bank, and the threat of partial or full annexation of areas that would most certainly be part of a future Palestinian state.”

It urged President Biden to “use all diplomatic tools available to prevent Israel’s government from further damaging the nation’s democratic institutions and undermining the potential for two states for two peoples.”

J Street proudly mobilized our movement to support this congressional initiative, contacting Members of Congress across the country urging them to support the letter -- and showing them just how concerned we are about the current threats to the future of both the Israeli and Palestinian peoples. The message from Congress is being heard in the White House and beyond, receiving widespread media attention with mentions in The New York Times, JTA, Haaretz and more.

Your support funds our advocacy efforts in Washington and across the country. Please consider a contribution of any amount to fuel this work >>

Our Largest Ever Congressional Delegation to Israel and the West Bank

Our work in the halls of Congress is greatly helped by the J Street Education Fund’s Len Hill Education Program, which routinely brings Members of Congress to the region to help develop a better firsthand understanding of the complex realities on the ground for both Israelis and Palestinians. In late February, 15 Members of Congress joined a trip to the region led by Representative Jim McGovern -- our largest ever delegation.

On the trip, Members of Congress and J Street leaders met with Israeli and Palestinian politicians and peace activists, heard first-hand accounts of settler violence and home demolitions, and visited Israeli border communities to witness the impacts of rocket attacks, amid many other stops on an extensive itinerary. They saw the passion that the Israeli protest movement is bringing to the battle over the country’s future.

Our Congressional delegations help spark important discussions about the role of American leadership in stopping the already precarious situation from deteriorating further. “Ensuring that the US-Israel relationship remains rooted in the values we share means standing with Israelis fighting for the future and the soul of their country,” wrote J Street’s President Jeremy Ben-Ami. Read Jeremy’s full reflections on the trip here >>

Following the trip, Jeremy also held a special public briefing to discuss what the group saw and the lessons they took away during this extremely fraught time in the region. Watch the full briefing here >>

Responding to Escalating Violence, Terror Attacks and the Deteriorating Security Situation

The entire J Street community has been horrified by the recent surge in violence in Israel and the Palestinian Territory, as this year has already seen some of the deadliest terror attacks on Israelis in many years, and some of the highest monthly death tolls for Palestinians in over a decade.

We remain extremely concerned as the situation has only continued to escalate in recent weeks. We’ve seen appalling incidents including a Palestinian gunman’s killing of Israeli brothers Yigal and Hillel Yaniv in the West Bank and a settler pogrom against the Palestinian community of Huwara; the killing of Elan Ganeles, a dual citizen of the United States and Israel, in a terrorist attack; a terror attack on a Dizengoff Street cafe in the heart of Tel Aviv which ultimately killed one Israeli and left two others wounded; the recent wounding of Israeli-American David Stern in another West Bank terror attack; and many others.

While encouraging authorities to do what’s necessary to prevent further attacks and keep civilians safe, J Street and our allies are calling for urgent steps to be taken to reduce tensions, stop the deteriorating cycle of violence, and prevent further suffering. As the 92 Members of Congress noted in their letter, “consistent and sustained U.S. diplomatic leadership is critical to preempt counterproductive unilateral actions and prevent violent escalations.”

Taking to the Streets in the US to Oppose Extremism, Support Democracy

It’s increasingly clear that some of the most extreme, dangerous figures in Israeli political life are driving the government’s far-right agenda. In the wake of the horrifying attack by settlers on the Palestinian village of Huwara, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich -- leader of an ultra-nationalist settler party -- called for the government to “wipe out” the village, a statement that Israeli Opposition Leader and former Prime Minister Yair Lapid said constituted “incitement to a war crime.”

J Street strongly condemned Smotrich’s outrageous incitement. And when he traveled to Washington, DC this month, we and our partners in the Progressive Israel Network (PIN) helped organize a major protest, with hundreds of Jewish Americans taking to the streets alongside the Israeli expat group UnXeptable to say “No to Smotrich, No to Hate.” You can check out coverage of the protest in Haaretz and the Forward -- and also read here about PIN’s NYC rally in solidarity with Israel’s pro-democracy protesters.

We’re rallying the strongest possible coalition to speak out in defense of peace and democracy for Israelis and Palestinians -- and against hateful demagogues who see our core values as roadblocks in their quest for power and control. Support J Street’s work to mobilize the pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy movement >>

Meanwhile the J Street Policy Center, J Street’s in-house home for top-level policy and analysis, has also raised major concerns about the fact that Smotrich has been handed significant authority over civilian affairs in the occupied West Bank. As J Street Policy Director Dr. Debra Shushan wrote in an important analysis piece, “Simply put: Smotrich’s West Bank takeover is tantamount to annexation.” Read Dr. Shushan’s full column about the significance of this move here >>

Get Your Invite to Our “Word on the Street” Discussion Series with Top Supporters

J Street recently launched a new “Word on the Street” conversation series with Jeremy Ben-Ami, available exclusively to top supporters and recurring monthly donors.

So far, Jeremy has had eye-opening discussions with former presidential candidate and Vermont Governor Howard Dean, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, and current Labor Party Leader MK Merav Michaeli.

For on-demand access to previous Word on the Street events and to ensure you don’t miss future events, become a sustaining supporter by setting a recurring monthly donation of $10 or more via ActBlue -- or learn more about joining our National Leadership Circle.

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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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