House Republicans still haven’t released an official demand for them to avoid a self-created default―one that would crush the global economy and endanger America’s standing in the world.
But various caucuses have started releasing budgets for show―and to no surprise, they make their priorities clear: devastating cuts that would hurt seniors and increase costs for everyone else, all to protect tax cuts to the rich.
President Biden’s budget, meanwhile, protects and strengthens Medicare and Social Security, invests in America, and makes sure the rich pay their fair share of taxes.
I know which side I’m on. Sign & send a message that congress should REJECT these MAGA plans and pass President Biden’s budget!
The latest proposal from the Freedom Caucus, who held Kevin McCarthy’s speakership hostage, would:
Make the Largest Medicare Benefit Cut in Decades. That will eliminate access to $35 insulin for more than 3 million Medicare beneficiaries, eliminate the $2,000 out-of-pocket cap on prescription drugs for seniors, increase prices of prescription drugs for seniors, and eliminate free vaccines that are saving 3.4 million seniors on average $70 per year—all to give Big Pharma a bigger taxpayer handout.
Undermine the Social Security Administration and make it harder to get our benefits. If this proposal is enacted, people applying for disability benefits would have to wait at least two months longer for a decision. With fewer staff available, seniors would also be forced to endure longer wait times when they call for assistance for both Social Security and Medicare, and as many as 240 Social Security field offices could be forced to close or shorten the hours they are open to the public.
Rob Seniors of Healthy Meals. The extreme MAGA Republican House Freedom Caucus proposal would take away nutrition services, such as Meals on Wheels, for more than 1 million seniors. For many of these seniors, these programs provide the only healthy meal they receive on any given day.
All this, while cutting taxes for the rich! We can do so much better.
Tell Congress: Pass the Biden budget, and reject MAGA economics!
Alex Lawson Social Security Works