Dear Members and Associates,
Our toughest meeting of the year went off without a hitch, and we now have a full steering committee again.
Meet the team for 2020!
Brandon Parker -- At Large
Lydia Goustin --At Large
Mikhail Simrak --At Large
Kathryn Wegner --Chair
Mary Owen --Spokesperson
John Krumm --Secretary
Troy Hanson --Treasurer
We also started two new committees, a Membership Committee with John, Brandon, and new member August, and the Electoral Committee, which will be filled after the March primary. We also revived the criminal justice committee, which will be meeting with the NAACP criminal justice committee, and we continue with our Housing Justice and Bernie Committees. Let us know if you would like to participate in any of these.
We decided on our three issue areas of focus for the year
- Medicare For All
- The Climate Emergency
- Housing Justice
This means that we will try to have events for all three at different points during the year.
Upcoming opportunities and events discussed at the meeting:
- Feb 6, 5:30 at The Flame, Live Music For Bernie
- Feb 3 Housing Justice Duluth Meeting at Damiano, 6:30, 2nd W door.
- Sign up for the Climate Buzz newsletter at
- DFCW caucus training Feb 9th, 5:00 PM UMD Rafters
- Feb 3rd, Riot Gear Meeting at Denfeld High School, 6:00 PM
- Bernie knocking for DSA, date undetermined, reply if interested.
- February 23, 4pm, Twin Ports DSA Monthly Meeting, 12 E 4th St
2020 looks to be an exciting year.
In Solidarity,
John Krumm
Twin Ports DSA