Without serious action on climate change, Montana’s economy will bleed millions of dollars every year.

Team —

Jon’s no stranger to the impacts of climate change.

Catastrophic droughts and erratic weather have led to two of the worst harvests any Tester has ever experienced on the family farm. A farm his grandparents settled more than 100 years ago and the same one Jon and his wife Sharla farm to this day.

And this affects more than just crops — The Washington Post reported that Montana’s changing climate is causing native trout to flee rivers in the Rocky Mountains, which could impact our critical cold-water fishing industry.

We’ve seen the wildfire season grow longer and more intense. The impacts of our changing climate threaten our way of life and our outdoor economy that supports working Montanans across the entire state.

To address future wildfires, Jon recently secured nearly $10 million in funding for prevention and mitigation efforts across Montana. Jon knows firsthand how critical it is to arm local communities with these additional tools and resources.

Jon has worked hard to address our changing climate but understands that there’s still more to be done to combat climate change and its effects, which we continue to see in Montana and nationwide.

So team, will you sign our petition calling on Congress to take further meaningful action on climate change to help protect our public lands and clean water?

Thanks so much for stepping up today.

— Team Tester