Mary wanted to make sure you saw her email yesterday about our upcoming End-of-Quarter deadline, John.
Mary’s worried because we’re not on track to hit our $25,000 goal, which could mean we have to pick and choose which races we can invest in this year.
Will you please take a moment to read Mary’s email below and chip in $25 toward our End-of-Quarter goal so we don’t have to pull back spending in any key races?
Thank you for taking the time to read this, John.
Democracy Defense Fund
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mary L. Trump
Date: Fri, Mar. 24, 2023
Subject: 1 week from today
To: [email protected]>
John, we are exactly 1 week away from our biggest 2023 fundraising goal yet. If you’ll bear with me for just a minute, I’ll explain why this deadline is so important.
If you’re in a hurry and can’t spare a minute to read all the way through, would you please consider chipping in a quick $25 toward our End-of-Quarter goal?
March 31st marks the end of the fiscal quarter, and that will give us a good idea of what we’re going to be able to accomplish this year — which races we can invest in and candidates we can support.
There’s a lot on the line in 2023 — governors’ races in battleground states, chances to expand majorities in state legislatures, and control of the Wisconsin Supreme Court — but how much we can do will be determined by how much money we can stockpile right now.
Coming up short at this critical time could mean we have to sit out a race in Virginia, or pull back spending in Kentucky, or fail to deliver in Wisconsin.
That’s why this deadline is so important, John. If we can hit our $25,000 End-of-Quarter goal by next Friday, we can maximize our efforts and win big this year. So what do you say: Can I count on you to chip in $25 right away?
If we work together, John, I’m confident we’ll win big in 2023 and beyond.
Dr. Mary L. Trump
