John, as you might have heard on the news, Trump could be facing a criminal indictment as soon as next week.
But did you know that it was Common Cause that originally sounded the alarm about the crimes he could soon be arrested for? You can read the complaint that started at all here >>
This is the sort of hard-hitting legal action that Common Cause can only take thanks to your support – and now, we’re getting results.
Here’s some background: Common Cause sounded the alarm bells in 2018 about Donald Trump’s Stormy Daniels “hush money” payment – when our organization was the first to file campaign finance complaints with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
Now, we could be just days away from hearing Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s final decision about Donald Trump’s possible criminal activity.
If prosecutors decide there’s enough evidence to indict him, Donald Trump would be the first U.S. president ever criminally charged.
We urged them to investigate the money Stormy Daniels received to keep quiet about her relationship with Donald Trump so that the scandal would not influence the 2016 election.
And thanks to our filings, Trump’s personal lawyer and “fixer,” Michael Cohen, admitted to paying off Daniels on Donald Trump’s behalf – ultimately receiving a sentence of three years in federal prison and a $50,000 fine for multiple charges including campaign finance violations.
Now, as the Manhattan D.A. concludes his investigation into Trump’s involvement in this hush money, we’re reminding everyone that no one is above the law – not even Donald Trump.
Get the full backstory on how we got here at our website – and read the original complaints that could lead to Donald Trump being indicted this week.
We’re only able to hold our elected officials accountable like this because of the support of members like you. Thank you for being a member of Common Cause, and I’m so glad to have you with us.
Thanks for all you do,
Aaron Scherb, Senior Director of Legislative Affairs
and the team at Common Cause
P.S. We’re so grateful to the Common Cause members that make this kind of advocacy possible. If you’d like to support our continued work for a more accountable democracy, please chip in!