John -

Do you know why a Leftist Senator from Massachusetts, a billionaire & former New York City mayor, and the former Vice President are getting involved in a Texas State House race?

Why Democrats just announced a $50 million fund to flip state legislatures, including Texas, from red to blue? 

Because this election season, they think they can flip the Texas Capitol blue. Remake our state into another Leftist stronghold.

This isn’t just about Democrat vs Republican. This is between freedom-loving Texans and Leftists out to transform Texas into New York or California. It’s why I’m asking you to make the most generous gift you can––today

John, this is about no-less-than...

• Our children’s right to attend school without being force-fed the LGBT/transgender agenda.
• Your church’s continued right to follow Biblical teachings
• Your God-given right to freedom of conscience, expression and faith. 
• The right to life of every unborn Texan.

Why is a pro-family majority at the Texas Capitol so important? Consider Texas’ last Session. We defeated several Ban-the-Bible and LGBT indoctrination bills. We passed important pro-religious freedom bills––and prolife laws to protect the unborn.

These laws were just the start, but they were important. And without the current majorities at the Texas Capitol, and your support of Texas Values Action's full-time lobby team at the Texas Capitol, none of them would have happened.

So what is Texas Values Action doing to protect us now? We’re vetting candidates across Texas. We’re releasing endorsements of qualified, pro-life and pro-religious freedom candidates. And we’re assembling our highly-respected and anticipated Statewide Voters Guide.

The most recent batch of newly-elected Democratic office-holders and candidates in Texas score a great-big, across-the-board ZERO when it comes to protecting life and religious freedom.

Texas Values Action doesn’t have a left-wing fifty-million-dollar war-chest.

We do have a hardworking team based near the steps of the Texas Capitol. Volunteers and activists across the state. And we have you. The faithful and generous support of Texans who care enough to sacrifice for their values. 

If we stand together, we can keep Texas...Texas. With a Texas Legislature that not only respects, but defends the values that made Texas great. But to respond now and execute our 2020 election plan, we must have your financial support today.

Will you let your response match your determination to take that stand? Will you make an immediate gift of $50, $100, $1,000 or even more, today?

Thank you for commitment and sacrifice for Texas.


Jonathan Saenz
President, Texas Values Action

P.S. I’m convinced that with the right people in office, Texas can stay Texas. But only if we win. Please give as generously as you can to help us educate Texans about strong candidates who’ll fight for our values.

900 Congress Ave. Suite L115 | Austin, TX 78701 | 512.478.2220

Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. All donations to Texas Values Action are not tax-deductible and will be used at the sole discretion of Texas Values Action. Copyright © 2020 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.
