Friend, In the month since we last reached out about our petition calling on Congress to pass the Justice in Policing Act as a baseline measure for public safety reform, at least 50 people have died as the result of police shootings.[1] Many more may have been killed or injured as a result of police violence, but unfortunately due to the lack of a centralized federal database, all we can do is source information based on what is publicly reported. And while circumstances regarding each of these instances differ, what we do know is this: little has been done at the federal level to implement public safety reforms that would reduce this violence or prevent it from happening. We cannot wait for the next national tragedy to strike before we act to end police violence. We must demand action now. Thank you, Zach Source: [1] Fatal Force, The Washington Post, 3/21/23 ----[previous message]---- Friend, Recent and ongoing incidents of police brutality and misconduct have exposed the deeply entrenched problems within our policing system - and have left many wondering what we can do to improve public safety in our communities. As Congress continues to deliberate what steps will be taken to improve public safety, there is a bill - the Justice in Policing Act - that has been previously introduced and should serve as a baseline for any reforms passed by Congress. This crucial piece of legislation is aimed at improving public safety and reducing police violence by implementing much-needed reforms in law enforcement practices. The Justice in Policing Act addresses systemic issues in our policing system by providing greater accountability and transparency in law enforcement, promoting community policing and increasing training for police officers, and ending harmful practices such as racial profiling and qualified immunity. The bill would also establish a national police misconduct registry, which will help track officers with a history of misconduct and prevent them from moving from one police department to another without consequence. Passing this act is essential for creating a more just and equitable society. We need to ensure that all members of our communities are safe and protected - regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, or socioeconomic status. The Justice in Policing Act is a step in the right direction toward achieving this goal. Thanks for all that you do, Zach, People For the American Way