A few weeks ago, I wrote in my weekly newsletter about the passage of H.J. Res 30 and expressed my commitment to protecting the retirement savings of workers, retirees, and their families. H.J. Res 30 would nullify a dangerous Department of Labor rule that lets retirement savings be used to push a political agenda instead of generating the best possible return. The resolution passed with bipartisan support in both the House and Senate, but President Biden vetoed it earlier this week. In sticking to my commitment to retirees, this week, I voted to override the President’s veto

The law has historically required that investment advisors act solely in the interest of the plan's participants and beneficiaries, to maximize the gain on investments that families are counting on for retirement, not on so-called environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors. But the Department of Labor rule is now giving investment advisors freedom to weaken that commitment and instead put employees’ retirement savings into risky investments that advance the Biden Administration’s radical climate hysteria and “equity” policies, endangering retirement savings to embrace their liberal ideology.

While the majority of the House voted against the president’s veto, we did not obtain the two-thirds vote required to override it. President Biden and his Wall Street pals won this round, putting at risk the retirement savings of more than 140 million Americans. But House Republicans know that retirement savings belong to the Americans who worked for it, and are not for financial advisors to invest based on anything other than to protect and grow those retirement nest eggs. Needless to say, I will continue to oppose the extreme idea of these liberals that they have any right to meddle with other people’s money.