Dear Friend,
There is a significant interest
with Cardinal Burke’s newly published book, Deny Holy Communion? that has spread through the Christian
Mark A. Kellner, a reporter for the Washington Times
interviewed me for an article he was writing: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2023/mar/8/lay-catholics-campaign-deny-communion-pro-abortion/
Shortly after that, I was interviewed on KZIM Radio in Cape
Girardeau, Missouri.
Religion News discussed the book in part of an article: https://religionnews.com/2023/03/13/the-double-effect-of-men-behaving-badly/
Charlie Butts, a reporter from
American Family News interviewed me live on their radio network, which
has 179 radio stations in 31 states. Another 100 entities carry their
newscasts. Then, an article was
published online this week: https://afn.net/church/2023/03/21/catholic-group-wants-dialogue-with-pro-abortion-politicians/ A survey was included in the article that
states: Should bishops and priests in the U.S. deny communion to
pro-abortion Catholic politicians? 68.92% said absolutely, no
exceptions. 22.49% said yes, but most won’t do it. 6.23% said no, it’s
between the person and God. 1.33% answered unsure and 1.03% said no –
it makes it political. Over 91% of those surveyed
answered that Catholic politicians should be denied Holy
The clergy response has been mainly
positive with correspondence from cardinals, bishops, vicar generals,
priests and deacons.
You, as faithful members of the
laity, can spread the word about the book. Ask your pastor and all
priests and deacons at your parish, as well as all members of the
clergy that you know, if they have received their copy
of Deny Holy
If they have not, please email me
their names and addresses.
It is critical that every single
priest and deacon receive a copy. This book provides a precise and
thorough explanation of the Catholic Church’s charitable and pastoral
response to the widespread confusion regarding worthy reception of the
Holy Eucharist. His Eminence’s writing of each chapter is crystal
clear and easy to comprehend.
If you’re interested in obtaining
your own copy of Why Deny
Communion?, take a moment
to visit our special book and donations page:
Sponsor a copy (or
copies) for a
seminarian. The most
important and sacred function of their life as a future priest will be
the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Please help us send this book to
seminarians in the US, Puerto Rico and Rome.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And
Family http://www.catholicaction.org/
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