Far-right bullies and hatemongers ambushed us this week on social media and in cyberspace.

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We wanted to bump this important message from our president at Color Of Change to the top of your inbox.

Last weekend, Donald Trump, the nation’s disgraced former president, slammed us because of our work to reform our criminal justice system and ensure that prosecutors hold accountable those who harm our communities. After hearing Trump’s dog whistles, bullies and hatemongers ambushed us this week on social media and in cyberspace. Responding in real time briefly maxed out our work capacity, strained our resources and distracted us from our mission of dismantling systemic racism in America.

Trump is only going to continue escalating his threats of violence. He went on a social media tirade last night after midnight to warn of “potential death & destruction” if the New York prosecutor indicts him. Our country has seen how his past threats have been carried out by his supporters. It’s clear that Trump needs to be banned permanently from social media.

Trump wants his followers to help him silence Color Of Change, and Big Tech is letting it happen. This week, we were forced to beef up security and temporarily close our New York and Washington offices after violent threats, as well as clean up the mud thrown at us and our supporters in the media. We are determined to keep winning, but we need your help in this unprecedented moment. John, make a gift of $25 or more to ensure we have the resources we need to take on the far-right movement and fuel our fight for justice.


We won’t back down.

Until Justice Is Real,

Color Of Change


It’s happening again: Donald Trump, the disgraced former president, is back on social media, stirring things up just like he did before the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection. Last weekend, worried he would be arrested or indicted today, Trump called on his followers to “take our nation back.”

Almost immediately, angry white supremacists and far-right bullies went on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to answer Trump’s unmistakable dog whistles. They’re itching for a fight — and they’ve put Color Of Change high on their hit list.

For the last few days, the mob has attacked us on social media and in cyberspace. We’ve dealt with credible threats by beefing up security and temporarily closing our offices in New York and Washington. Responding to these threats in real time — and refuting the mud thrown at us in the media — has strained our capacity, hamstrung our daily operations and kept us from our mission of dismantling institutional racism in America.

John, it’s clear why the racists and right-wing trolls are coming for us. They are frustrated because Color Of Change fights for Black people: We push prosecutors to use their power for racial justice, hold police accountable and make sure that no one is above the law – especially not the rich and powerful. We go after Big Tech corporations that allow hate speech on their social media platforms, and we take on the credit-card companies that process their payments. Color Of Change is pushing back on the far-right attacks, but they are major distractions that force us to divert resources we need to keep fighting — and winning.

But it’s also clear that we are facing a major threat at a crucial moment. Standing up to attacks from dangerous ideologues who want to turn back the civil rights clock is an all-hands-on-deck fight that’s draining our resources. And – make no mistake – things will escalate if Trump is indicted. If we’re going to win, we’ll need your help. Will you show your support with a contribution of $25 or more to fuel COC’s campaigns for justice?


Thanks to the dedication of members like you, we've been able to push back against the anger and hatred of the far right. But the tsunami of rage and vitriol that’s come at us since Saturday will only increase if Trump is indicted or arrested. We need your help to defend our work and attack the big-money corporations and racist systems that harm our communities.

John, you’re one of Color Of Change’s top supporters — so we’re asking you to take the next step in showing your support today with a gift of $25 or more. Your contribution will help us fight the attempts to silence us or sidetrack our work, and help us create a more human, less hostile world for Black people.

We are deeply grateful for all that you do.

Until Justice Is Real,

Rashad Robinson

Rashad Robinson (Pronouns: he/him)
Color Of Change