In celebration of Reading Month, Governor Walz unveiled the first ever?Little Free Library?in the State Capitol. With more than 1,600 book titles banned or restricted by other states last year, the Little Free Library celebrates books and helps to ensure they remain accessible in Minnesota.
?In Minnesota, we are focused on investing in education, our future, and children and families across the state. We?re not in the business of taking books away from kids and schools ? and we certainly don?t believe in banning books that tell our history,??said Governor Walz.??This Little Free Library is one way we?re doing our part to ensure books remain accessible to teach, tell our story, and inspire the next generation of readers in Minnesota."
Last week, Governor Walz signed a bill into law providing free school breakfast and lunch for Minnesota students. The Governor and Lieutenant Governor were joined by legislators, students, and advocates at Webster Elementary in Northeast Minneapolis to celebrate the bill signing.
?As a former teacher, I know that providing free breakfast and lunch for our students is one of the best investments we can make to lower costs, support Minnesota?s working families, and care for our young learners and the future of our state,? said Governor Walz. ?This bill puts us one step closer to making Minnesota the best state for kids to grow up, and I am grateful to all of the legislators and advocates for making it happen.?
?As someone who grew up with a different colored lunch ticket, I know that there are too many children who go hungry at school and experience shame in the lunchroom,? said Lieutenant Governor Flanagan. ?By providing free breakfast and lunch to all students, we are removing stigma in the lunchroom, helping family pocketbooks, investing in the health and well-being of our children, and ensuring that no student goes hungry for any reason. Today is a really good day for our students and families.?
Governor Walz announced that his next State of the State Address will be held on Wednesday, April 19 at 7 p.m. Mark your calendars and save the date, Minnesota!?
Governor Walz, Senate Majority Leader Kari Dziedzic, and House Speaker Melissa Hortman announced that they have reached an agreement on key budget decisions, which includes historic investments for kids and families, the largest tax cut in state history, and funding to improve health and safety.
?Whether it?s ensuring every kid can eat breakfast and lunch at school or passing $100 million in tax cuts, this has been the most productive legislative session in a generation ? and we?re not letting our foot off the gas,? said Governor Walz. ?This agreement moves us closer to ending child poverty and putting the state surplus directly back into Minnesotans? pockets. I?m grateful for the long hours and close collaboration of our legislative partners to put together this budget.?
Governor Walz visited Duluth to celebrate Reading Month and highlight his plan to give middle-class families up to $10,500 for child care costs.?
Lieutenant Governor Flanagan traveled to Washington, D.C. to meet with fellow seconds-in-command from across the country, discuss shared priorities, and highlight how Minnesota is leading the way.?
Governor Walz, Lieutenant Governor Flanagan Highlight Minnesota-Owned Small Businesses
On Friday, Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan visited Milkjam Creamery and Wrecktangle Pizza to try the Women's History Month featured flavor "Peggy Flanagan" ice cream and the award-winning pizza. |