Hi, John, it's Michelle Dorothy, Chrissy’s chief political advisor in D.C. I wanted to follow up on our email from earlier this month.

As one of her top supporters, Chrissy is eager to hear from you.

Sharing with you what’s going on behind the scenes in D.C. and hearing directly from you about your priorities is important to Chrissy. From the prolonged GOP race for Speaker, to the jostling for committee assignments, and what former Speaker Pelosi is doing now, it’s rarely dull in Washington.

Have you signed up for a monthly recurring contribution yet? If so, you may receive a call from her in the next few weeks!

We look forward to hearing from you!

- Michelle Dorothy

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chrissy Houlahan
Date: Fri, Mar 10, 2023
Subject: I'd love to give you a call, John