Well, John, it’s already happening. I’ve just gotten my first Democrat opponent for 2024, and it’s no surprise to see another hard Left wokester running against me!
John, look at just a few of the things my opponent supports, they’re right in line with the extreme agenda being pushed by the D.C. Swamp.
Crush Texas energy production - more green new deal fanaticism that will drive up costs, decimate our economy, and make our nation weaker
Abortion at ANY STAGE of pregnancy - no limits, abortions at any time, up until the minute of birth
Stripping our 2A rights - giving the Left another avenue to attack our Second Amendment and leave Texans disarmed while violent crime skyrockets.
Everything is racist - pushing the radical agenda that America is systemically racist and swapping our state’s history with CRT and woke propaganda.
Just a glance will tell you all you need to know about my opponent. We can’t afford to let this agenda pick up steam in our district. I’ll never stand by as these radicals work to undo everything that holds us together as an exceptional nation!
As a Congresswoman, I’ve done everything in my power to support Texas and our values. I’ve worked to defend our elections and require Voter ID, supported small businesses against radical spending, and stood with Gov. Abbott to bring law and order back to our southern border.
But having a new opponent in the race for TX-24 has only made the need for a bigger war chest more apparent. Open your personal link where you can help my fight to keep TX-24 RED!