Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one; for when we suffer, or are exposed to the same miseries by a government, which we might expect in a country without government, our calamity is heightened by reflecting that we furnish the means by which we suffer.
Are Supply Chains and Oil Shocks Driving Zimbabwe's Inflation?
According to an article in the New York Times, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell says that current rapid price growth in the economy is due to such factors as “snarled supply chains, an oil shock following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and a shift among American consumers from spending money on services like travel and dining out to goods like furniture.” In ...
Lessons from Iraq
by Jacob Hornberger and Richard M. Ebeling
What lessons are there to be learned on the twentieth anniversary of the 2003 invasion of Iraq? ...
Banking Crises and the FED's Monetary Antics
by Jacob G. Hornberger, Richard M. Ebeling, and James Bovard
This week's episode focuses on the banking crisis. FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard M. ...