BREAKING NEWS: Republicans continue to BAN books regarding LGBTQ+ and race from public schools

The Independent: Florida teachers strip classroom shelves of books in response to DeSantis ban

Did you go to public school?

A teacher and children in a school classroom

YES >>
NO >>

** Friend - you’re one of our top supporters from Washington and we’ve selected you as just one of [10] respondents. Even if you did not go to public school your input is still critical to our data. Please complete poll by MIDNIGHT **

Republicans are passing legislation right now to BAN books, CONTROL what our children read, and are even threatening to charge teachers with FELONIES if they use banned books in class!


So we are gathering critical data on how important public schools are in communities across the country. Please take just a few minutes to respond. >>>

Did you go to public school?

YES >>
NO >>

Thank you for your input.


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