We have some good news and bad news on voting rights --


Good News: New Mexico is on the verge of expanding voter access. House Bill 4, which is expected to be signed into law by the Governor, will allow automatic voter registration, vote-by-mail options and people who've been previously incarcerated to vote.


Bad News: Commemorating the 58th anniversary of Bloody Sunday, President Biden stated that voting rights nationwide remain "under assault." With state lawmakers working to roll back the right to vote, a Supreme Court that has weakened the Voting Rights Act, and a Congress that has refuses to act -- our fundamental right to vote is still at risk.

With this, one thing has been made clear. The path towards making critical progress on voting rights runs through the states. Whether that is with pro-voting legislation or ballot propositions, the best way we can take action is by engaging at the state and local level.


Which is exactly what we are doing at Every. Single. Vote.


Even in an off-year, our team is focused on finding opportunities to support voting rights. With elections later this fall in Virginia and New Jersey, we still have an opportunity to make an impact.


Support our efforts to expand and protect voting rights by chipping in $5, $10 or $25 today >>

Thank you!




At Every. Single. Vote., we believe that voting should be easy and accessible. That's why we're on a mission to help pass statewide ballot props that expand voting access. However, our work is powered by grassroots donations from people like yourself. Will you pitch in $5, $15, or $25 right now to help us create equitable access to the ballot? 




Paid for by Every. Single. Vote.




Every. Single. Vote.

2120 University Ave.

Berkeley, CA 94704

United States