Friend -- 

Bad news for those who pretend that perpetual wars, economic disintegration, deliberately degenerate culture, and addictions to social media and drugs, are not having an effect on society's most precious members -- our children.

Analyzing death certificate data, the CDC  found "pediatric mortality increased by 20% from 2019 to 2021 – the largest increase in 50 years."  The majority of deaths, they reported, are children between the ages of 10-19, but even younger children showed an increase of 8.4%.  Statistics show  increased suicides (increased by 70% between 2007 and 2019), homicides and overdose deaths.  Mental health problems are reportedly so severe, that schools in Massachusetts have psychiatrists visiting 5th grade classrooms.

What is happening?  Join the discussion with teachers and parents from New York, Virginia and Massachusetts.  Time for a radical change!

Friday March 24, 8:00 pm: Why Are American Children Dying? We Need a Renaissance Now!



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