Our Republican opponent, Beth Van Duyne, has made it very apparent she fully intends to run a Trump-inspired campaign in which she is spreading hateful rhetoric and harnessing fear in the voters of TX-24 by telling endless lies.
In a recent video put out by her campaign, currently circulating on social media, she claimed, “Liberal elites want sanctuary cities, they want to open the doors for criminal illegals.”
Let’s not forget the time Beth gained national attention when she became fixated on the Islamic tribunal in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, going off on a complete tirade about Sharia Law.
I don’t believe in lies. I believe in facts and the fact of the matter is that using hate and fear is a page right out of the Trump playbook.
I believe we need leaders that celebrate the better angels of our nature, not the darkest demons.
Check out our new video to hear more about how I believe a real Representative should act.

If you believe in looking to the future, focusing on facts, and appealing to our better angels, then chip in and help us defeat Beth Van Duyne.
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with ActBlue Express, your donation
will go through immediately.

Dr. John Biggan
Candidate for Congress TX-24
P.O. BOX 911, Bedford, Texas 76095, USA
Phone: (940) 859-0038