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Friday, March 24th, 2023


The Cost of Being Numb

Michael McKay

Putin and Xi Standing Firm on the Right Side of History

Finian Cunningham

The Evil Intent of the Pledge of Allegiance

Gary D. Barnett

My Preferences For Defensive Firearms

Chuck Baldwin

Labor Stats, Bank Stats, Economic Stats; The Making of Stakeholder Rule

Helena Glass

Pretending They Didn’t See Covid Trends

Mark Oshinskie

‘Mobility Leadership’

Eric Peters

Covid Made McDonald’s a Public Health Savior

Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Fed Backtracks on Future Rate Hikes as Bank Failures Loom Large

Ryan McMaken

US Officials Really, Really Want You To Know The US Is the World’s “Leader”

Caitlin Johnstone

Here’s How I Know You’ll Survive This

Daisy Luther

‘We Are Headed for Another Train Wreck’: Bill Ackman Blames Janet Yellen for Restarting the Bank Run

Tyler Durden

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