Dear John,
As I wrote to you last week, this is a critical year in our fight for smaller, less wasteful government and against the Far-Left, Socialist politicians who want to take away your money and freedom with new nanny-state spending program.
That’s why I need you on our side as a CAGW Charter Member.
Your Charter Membership contribution will allow us to redouble our efforts to publicize the $152 trillion cost of the Far Left’s handouts – including the Green New Deal, “free” college, and Medicare for All, to name just a few. These fiscally ruinous programs would require unprecedented levels of deficit spending and massive tax hikes.
Your support will also help us keep these outrageous proposals at the forefront of the public debate in this election year so we can win commitments from candidates to fight against Socialist policies and slash runaway spending.
What’s more, your membership will allow us to continue to rally millions of Americans in support of deep, ongoing cuts to wasteful government spending, taxes, and regulations. Your membership is also vitally important if we are going to keep putting forward the specific ideas and strategies to trim the fat from the federal budget.
John, CAGW’s efforts on behalf of taxpayers could not be more important right now. Far-Left politicians are well-funded and more determined than ever to spend as much of our YOUR MONEY as they can on as many new big-government programs as possible.
For the financial future of our country, your prosperity, and the future success of our children and grandchildren, we need to use every possible resource to defeat them.
Please, before you do anything else today, become a CAGW Charter Member for 2020 by making your largest possible donation of $10.00, $15.00, $25.00, $35.00, or more.
Thank you in advance for support.
Thomas A. Schatz
P.S. John, as I often say, I may serve as CAGW president, but this is truly your organization. With your CAGW Charter Membership, you will determine how many battles we can wage and how successful we will be in the year ahead. Our nation’s financial future is at stake, and like never before, CAGW needs you on our side. Please become a CAGW Charter Member today!