Indigenous Peoples violently expelled from their ancestral lands. Land defenders thrown into jail for protecting their forests. Critical wildlife habitat for orangutans and elephants demolished to the ground. Bright orange flames, thick clouds of smoke, massive piles of debris, and old-growth trees crashing down. 

Once vibrant ecosystems thriving with biodiversity, our rainforests are being DECIMATED, becoming a wasteland of stumps before being turned into vast industrial plantations of palm oil -- all so that greedy corporations can make junk food and cosmetics.

Deforestation and land grabbing threaten to wipe out the very LAST of the world’s great rainforests while BlackRock continues to finance these environmental injustices and human rights abuses. We need to act NOW, Friend, because more and more of these atrocities are occurring. Will you take action to STOP corporate greed from destroying our rainforests before it’s too late?

Our planet is already heading toward the verge of collapse due to the human-driven climate crisis -- and without rainforests, these devastating consequences will only worsen and accelerate the Earth’s demise. 

Not only are rainforests the source of land, livelihood, and culture for Indigenous communities, and home to endangered species, but these vital ecosystems are essential to supplying us with oxygen and storing massive amounts of carbon. 

Meanwhile, tropical deforestation is responsible for producing roughly 10% of global warming emissions. And the leading culprit to blame for deforestation? Agribusiness.

And as long as BlackRock keeps providing these companies with a steady cash flow, they will continue to profit off the annihilation of our rainforests and the exploitation of all those who live there. It’s going to take powerful momentum from the public to influence a major corporation like BlackRock, so we urgently need environmentalists like you in this fight. Please, Friend, don’t look away. Step up now and add your name to SAVE our rainforests from deforestation and abusive land grabbing >> 

Thanks for being a part of the fight, 
Friends of the Earth
