March 23, 2023

a light blue background with DNA double helix and text "Feminist Intersections: Reproductive Genome Editing at a Crossroads" with speaker images

Feminist Intersections: Reproductive Genome Editing at a Crossroads

March 28, 2023 | 8 am PT / 11 am ET

Register now for the next webinar in the CGS Missing Voices Initiative series, “Feminist Intersections: Reproductive Genome Editing at a Crossroads.” On Tuesday, March 28, Susan Berke Fogel will moderate a conversation featuring Kavita Ramdas, Alana Cattapan, and Amrita Pande on feminist and reproductive justice concerns about reproductive genome editing.

a beige background with blue and grey triangular mountains and with text in teal "Genetic Justice from Start to Summit: centering justice in debates on heritable genome editing"

Genetic Justice from Start to Summit

CGS’ symposium Genetic Justice from Start to Summit drew hundreds of registrants from 26 countries. Organized as a challenge to the Third International Summit on Human Genome Editing, the symposium featured speakers from a range of social justice perspectives: disability rights, reproductive rights and justice, racial justice, environmentalism, and human rights. Watch the panels and read the transcript here

a light blue DNA strand with DNA letters in the background in dark blue and white

ACMG: Do Not Use Polygenic Risk Scores for Embryo Selection

Pete Shanks, Biopolitical Times | 03.21.2023

The American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics has reiterated that scoring IVF embryos for “polygenic risks” is not yet appropriate for clinical use.

a beige and light teal background with spotlight graphic in lower right corner and CGS logo in lower left corner. Text reads "Spotlight on the summit"

Dispatch from the Gene Editing Summit

Katie Hasson, Biopolitical Times | 03.10.2023

The Third International Summit on Human Genome Editing de-emphasized heritable genome editing, focusing more on somatic gene therapies. But events and initiatives organized around the summit by civil society advocates and scholars demonstrate a growing awareness and sense of urgency about the social justice and human rights implications of heritable genome editing.

the HFEA logo

The UK Campaign to Legalize Germline Gene Editing

Pete Shanks, Biopolitical Times | 03.05.2023

The UK's fertility agency HFEA is seeking to grab for itself the authority to move forward with heritable genome editing––overriding UK law and widespread global policy agreement.

blue and yellow and black patterned birds' eggs in a brown nest

On Safety in Engineering Embryos: Engage the Brakes

Pete Shanks, Biopolitical Times | 03.04.2023

Although it is promoted as a way to prevent the births of children with mitochondrial disease, “3-person IVF” or “nuclear genome transfer” does not work as planned. The revelation of its frequent failure is yet another reason to oppose experiments with heritable genome modification.

a DNA strand with laboratory equipment and text CRISPR CAS 9 in the lower right corner on a white background

It’s Official: No More Crispr Babies—for Now

Grace Browne, Wired | 03.17.2023

A few lines in the closing statement by the organizing committee were the most important thing to come out of the recent gene editing summit. CGS Associate Director Katie Hasson commented, “I think this is an important step back from the brink.”

IVF with the cells in the embryo in the shape of a question mark

Out of jail, is the CRISPR-baby scandal scientist at it again?

Natasha Mitchell, ABC Radio National | 03.17.2023

“You can support the treatment and the benefit of somatic gene therapies––of using this as medicine for distinct patients––while also seeing the real risks to both individuals and society if we start down the path of editing future children and generations,” said CGS Associate Director Katie Hasson.

a person in a blue lab coat looking into a microscope with a bubble to the left with a DNA double helix in it.

Experts weigh medical advances in gene-editing with ethical dilemmas

Rob Stein, NPR | 03.06.2023

“If we were to allow parents to genetically modify their children, we would be creating new groups of people who are different from each other biologically and some would have been modified in ways that are supposed to enhance them,” said CGS Executive Director Marcy Darnovsky.




Human genome editing: From the First to the Third International Summit

Françoise Baylis, Impact Ethics | 03.22.2023

The Closing Statement from the Third International Summit acknowledges the importance of paying attention to the “whether” (not just the “how”) of heritable genome editing.

Human genome editing: ensuring responsible research

Editorial, The Lancet | 03.18.2023

There is broad international agreement that altering embryo DNA for reproductive purposes should remain forbidden. Protecting legitimate genetic research requires dynamic governance that will close loopholes in regulations and establish a global consensus on oversight and regulation.

Sickle cell patient’s success with gene editing raises hopes and questions

Rob Stein, NPR | 03.16.2023

Victoria Gray’s positive experience receiving an experimental gene therapy for sickle cell disease shows the promise of these treatments, but more questions remain about gene therapies’ efficacy, safety, and affordability. 

Gene editing raises profound moral questions on ethics, eugenics and human rights

Letlhokwa George Mpedi, Daily Maverick | 03.15.2023

Continuing developments in gene editing underscore the need to address ethical concerns and governance to ensure that eugenic impulses of the past are not carried forward in new technologies. 

How human gene editing is moving on after the CRISPR baby scandal

Katie Hunt, CNN | 03.09.2023

At the end of this year’s international gene editing summit, organizers recognized that “heritable human genome editing remains unacceptable at this time.” They added that public discussion and policy debates should continue. 

Forthcoming genetic therapies raise serious ethical questions, experts warn

Ian Sample and Hannah Devlin, The Guardian | 03.06.2023

Without oversight and regulation, gene editing could fuel a new “techno-eugenics,” if fertility clinics offer packages of IVF, embryo screening, and gene editing that pressure prospective parents into risky interventions to create the “best” child. 

Stop Designer Babies protests irresponsible summit plans to legalise human genetic modification

GMWatch | 03.06.2023

The anti-eugenics activist group Stop Designer Babies staged a protest outside the international summit on gene editing, citing concerns that, if made legal, heritable genome editing could be used for eugenic purposes. 

Does Gene Editing Have a Future in Reproductive Medicine?

Eben Kirksey, The New York Times | 03.04.2023

Given the potential misuse of heritable genome editing, the benefits of using CRISPR in fertility medicine may not outweigh the risks. 


National Academies calls for transforming use of racial and ethnic labels in genetics research

Usha Lee McFarling, STAT | 03.14.2023

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine issued a report that critiques reliance on socially constructed racial and ethnic categories in genetics research because they give the misleading impression that they are biologically innate.

The American Society of Human Genetics Struggles to Face Its Past

Robert Resta and Diane B. Paul, The DNA Exchange | 02.15.2023

There is much to be admired in ASHG’s willingness to acknowledge the roles the organization and its leadership played in respect both to eugenics and social injustice generally, but its report’s account of the history of eugenics has notable flaws.


The commercial surrogacy industry is booming as demand for babies rises

Karen Gilchrist, CNBC | 03.07.2023

With more intended parents interested in surrogacy––largely from wealthier Western countries––comes more demand for surrogates. Women in countries including Georgia and Mexico are drawn to surrogacy because of the financial compensation, but risks of exploitation remain, particularly in a largely unregulated industry.


Imagine you could select your future child based on likely intelligence. Would you?

Philip Ball, Prospect | 03.06.2023

The results from a new survey on Americans’ attitudes toward genetic selection make it clear that we need an urgent public discussion about what kind of society we want and how these reproductive technologies might shape it––in addition to improved public understanding of genetics. 

The idea of using a “three-parent baby” technique for infertility just got a boost

Jessica Hamzelou, MIT Technology Review | 03.03.23

A new study suggests the use of MRT for mitochondrial disease might carry significant risks, but scientists are now trying to use the technique to treat infertility.

Three-parent baby technique could create babies at risk of severe disease

Jessica Hamzelou, MIT Technology Review | 03.02.23

New research shows that one in five babies born using mitochondrial replacement or “three-parent IVF” could eventually inherit high levels of their mothers’ mitochondrial genes. 

Couple sues Pasadena fertility clinic after baby is born with stomach-cancer gene

Terry Castleman, Los Angeles Times | 03.01.2023

A couple concerned about passing on a genetic disorder causing a rare type of cancer went through IVF and genetic screening to avoid having children with the disorder, but an alleged mistake by their fertility clinic caused them to have a child with the same disorder.

If youve read this far, you clearly care about the fight to reclaim human biotechnologies for the common good. Thank you!

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