Our latest magazine to expose extremism and fascism, and highlight the best efforts to build inclusive communities
HOPE not hate

Hi John,

A lot has happened in the last few months.

It is because of our supporters that in 2019 we were able to stop 'Tommy Robinson' from winning his election, beat Nigel Farage and his dangerous, divisive Brexit party, and carry out vital, in-depth research that shone a light in places of darkness.

And in 2020 our work is more important than ever.

In just a few days time we will publish our latest magazine, dedicated to exposing extremism and fascism, and highlighting the best efforts to build inclusive communities. In 2020 we will be searching for hope and that is exactly what our latest edition of the magazine is focused on - forging alliances to meet the challenges of hate head on.

Here's one way that you can get a copy.

If you join the HOPE Action Fund, for as little as £5 each month, you can support the fight against fascism and receive a free copy of our quarterly magazine.

The HOPE not hate action fund is dedicated to helping us fight the far right. Will you step up and show your support?


I'll join the HOPE not hate action fund

Thank you for your support.



Nick Lowles
CEO, HOPE not hate


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Published and promoted by HOPE not hate Ltd. PO Box 61382, London, N19 9eq