Watch “Hardcore,” ep. 3 of Beyond Fantasy tonight at 6:30 p.m. PDT!

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Tonight we premiere “Hardcore,” the final episode of our hard-hitting Beyond Fantasy series on YouTube.

The tragic reality of our world is that violent porn is everywhere, and millions of people are consuming it with no regard for the extreme trauma being inflicted upon unsuspecting porn performers.

Many of these women and girls have been strong-armed into shooting scenes they had no desire to be in.
They are victims of sexual assault.

We, like many of you, are so tired of the arguments defending mainstream porn, claiming it’s always just between “consenting adults.” 

This film debunks that fallacy.

“Hardcore” is a tribute to every person who’s ever been coerced into a porn scene, and to every victim of sexual assault whose perpetrator was inspired by watching violent porn.

Jan, featured in this episode, is a brave survivor of coercion and sexual assault on a mainstream porn set.

After viewing the film Jan shared, 

“Wow. That was so hard to watch, but so well done. The truth needs to be shared at all costs. It’s everything I’ve been fighting for all these years. I’m blessed that my suffering and tears have not been in vain. Thank you…. It’s so necessary.”

It’s time for the world to know the truth about porn.

As part of our effort to expose the truth, this film features interviews with porn industry professionals, survivors, and includes short clips from violent porn scenes (we’ve blurred all nudity). It comes with a strong trigger warning. 

We encourage you to follow your instincts regarding whether or not you should view this film. 

Thank you for joining us, and brave survivors, in the effort to expose this injustice and demand an end to exploitation in the porn industry!

For freedom,

Exodus Cry and Magic Lantern Pictures

P.S. Before you watch “Hardcore,” please watch this short video with Benjamin Nolot, Exodus Cry’s founder, and Helen Taylor, our VP of Impact, as they help you process what the film uncovers.