Maple Tapping is a Sign of Spring!
As temperatures rise and fall above the freezing point and before leaves begin to bud, sap is flowing beneath tree bark. Maple syrup producers are busy this time of year, collecting this precious sap and cooking it down into delicious, pure maple syrup!
Minnesota Governor Walz has proclaimed March to be ?Maple Month", whereas the annual spring ritual of tapping maple trees and producing maple syrup products marks nature's transition from winter to spring in Minnesota's hardwood forests!
Learn more about how syrup is made and find one of over 90 local maple syrup producers in the?Minnesota Grown online directory!
Maple Candied Nuts
The delicious flavor of pure maple syrup shines in this simple recipe. They're great on salads, ice cream, or other desserts; or on their own as a tasty, sweet snack.
Find this recipe and more in Minnesota Grown's seasonal magazine,?Living?Local.
Member Feature: TimberSweet
A ?Labor of Love? is how TimberSweet owners Ralph ?Butch? and Amy Fideldy describe their relationship to maple sugaring in Minnesota. Nestled on a 60-acre hillside in Grand Rapids, they tap 3,100 sugar maple trees to produce some of the best maple syrup in the nation.
Farm Fresh Eggs
With temperatures slowly rising, hens are laying more eggs at local farms. Find beautiful eggs for upcoming holiday feasts or to make an everyday breakfast something special.
Sign up for a CSA
Plan ahead for a summer filled with fresh fruits and vegetables by signing up for a CSA (community supported agriculture) share. Eat well and support your local farmer!
Explore 'Living Local': Minnesota Grown's Seasonal Magazine
Living Local will ignite your love?of local foods and give you the tools to make the most of what is in season now and in the months ahead. The new spring issue includes a profile of an award-winning maple syrup producer, tips for picking a CSA, recipes like an asparagus quiche?that will make hosting a spring brunch fun and easy, a guide to spring greens, and much more!