A slide leaked to Punchbowl News shows Lauren Boebert listed as the most vulnerable Republican in 2024.


A slide leaked to Punchbowl News shows Lauren Boebert listed as the most vulnerable Republican in 2024:

In 2022, Adam Frisch lost to Lauren Boebert by just 546 votes. It was the closest race in the entire country.

Thankfully, Adam just announced that he is running against Boebert again – giving us our best chance ever to finally kick Lauren Boebert out of Congress.

We’re facing our first FEC fundraising deadline, and we’ve set an ambitious goal of raising $1 million online to help Adam defeat Lauren Boebert. But Adam’s not taking money from corporate PACs like Boebert is, so he’s counting on grassroots donors like you to give to his campaign right now if he's going to win:

Please, will you chip in $5 or more right now – every dollar you can afford before our first FEC fundraising deadline – to help Adam Frisch defeat Lauren Boebert? No amount is too small to make a big difference.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

On behalf of the entire team, thank you for your support. We can finally put an end to Lauren Boebert’s extremism, but it’s going to take all of us – together.

Team Frisch