Bowing to pressure from the White House and the public, the three main insulin manufacturers have dropped the price of a vial of insulin. This is a big deal that will save lives―but it’s also not enough.
If we’ve learned anything about greedy Big Pharma corporations over the years, it’s that as soon as they feel the pressure dissipate, they will go back to ripping off diabetics. We need legislation that holds them accountable.
Sign now to become a grassroots co-sponsor of the Insulin for All Act, and make sure that people who need insulin aren’t at the mercy of Big Pharma greed!
The Insulin for All Act is legislation from Senator Bernie Sanders and Representative Cori Bush that prohibits manufacturers from charging more than $20 for a vial of insulin.
A vial of insulin costs about $12 to manufacture, and it was discovered more than 100 years ago by scientists who sold the patent for just $1 so that it could be available to all who need it, without any cost barriers.
Big Pharma corporations know that advocates of lower drug prices have momentum now. We must keep pushing to build a pharmaceutical industry that is more interested in saving lives than in corporate profits. This bill is a critical step!
Sign now: Become a grassroots co-sponsor of the Insulin for All Act today!
Michael Phelan Social Security Works